[26405] in Athena Bugs

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sun4 9.3.18: named

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Scott Johnston)
Sat Mar 26 23:02:09 2005

Message-Id: <200503270359.j2R3xULR012908@m38-370-12.mit.edu>
To: bugs@mit.edu
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 22:59:30 -0500
From: Scott Johnston <johnston@mit.edu>
X-Spam-Score: -4.9
X-Spam-Flag: NO
Errors-To: bugs-bounces@mit.edu

System name:		m38-370-12.mit.edu
Type and version:	Sun-Blade-1500 9.3.18 (with mkserv)
Display type:		jfb

Shell:			/bin/athena/tcsh
Window manager:		mwm

What were you trying to do?
	Using Netscape 4, among other things.

What's wrong:
	After unspecified periods of time, the host "www.google.com"
	starts generating a "host not found" in Netscape.  Switching
	over to an xterm, I "dig www.google.com" and get a server failure
	message from  Other hosts continue to be resolvable,
	including "google.com".  After a few minutes it starts working again.
	This happens on Blade 1500s and Blade 100s.  I don't use Linux, so
	I don't know about that platform.

What should have happened:

Please describe any relevant documentation references:

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