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New Allaire Security Zone Bulletins Posted

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Aleph One)
Tue Oct 24 00:38:59 2000

Content-Type: text/plain
Message-Id:  <20001024011645.9445.qmail@underground.org>
Date:         Mon, 23 Oct 2000 18:16:45 -0700
Reply-To: aleph1@UNDERGROUND.ORG
From: Aleph One <aleph1@UNDERGROUND.ORG>

Dear Allaire Customer --

New security issues that may affect Allaire customers have recently come to our attention. Please visit the Security Zone at the Allaire Web site to learn about these new issues and what actions you can take to address them:


This week we posted the following new Allaire Security Bulletins:


ASB00-26: Microsoft (MS00-078): Patch Available for "Web Server Folder Traversal" Vulnerability
    Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0
    Microsoft Internet Information Server 5.0
ASB00-27: JRun 3.0: Patch available for "extra leading slash" security issue
    JRun 3.0 (all editions)
    JRun 3.0 SP1 (all editions)
ASB00-28: JRun 2.3.3: Patch available for "non-webroot requests" security issue
    JRun 2.3.3 (all editions)
ASB00-29: JRun 2.3.3: Patch available for "JSP execution of arbitrary file" security issue
    JRun 2.3.3 (all editions)

As a Web application platform vendor, one of our highest concerns is the security of the systems our customers deploy. We understand how important security is to our customers, and we're committed to providing the technology and information customers need to build secure Web applications. Thank you for your time and consideration on this issue.

-- Security Response Team, Allaire Corporation

P.S. As a reminder, Allaire has set up an email address that customers can use to report security issues associated with an Allaire product: secure@allaire.com

Allaire respects the Web and the privacy of those who use it. If you do not
want to receive any future messages from Allaire please forward this email to
remove@allaire.com with the subject "REMOVE".

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