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PHP remote format string vulnerabilities

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Jouko_Pynn=F6nen?=)
Thu Oct 12 01:24:36 2000

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Message-Id:  <Pine.LNX.4.10.10010120221430.14548-100000@shell.solutions.fi>
Date:         Thu, 12 Oct 2000 02:26:11 +0300
Reply-To: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jouko_Pynn=F6nen?= <jouko@SOLUTIONS.FI>
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jouko_Pynn=F6nen?= <jouko@SOLUTIONS.FI>
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PHP is a commonly used HTML-embedded scripting language. Format string
vulnerabilities exist in the error logging routines of PHP versions 3
and 4, allowing remote users to execute arbitrary code under the web
server's user id. A web server having PHP installed and one or more PHP
scripts is vulnerable to the problem if error logging is enabled in
php.ini. Also any PHP script using the "syslog" command of PHP may be
vulnerable, regardless of error logging.

The problem was tested on a Red Hat Linux system having Apache and
mod_php3 installed. Error logging was enabled in php.ini. With a test
exploit program, a shellcode could be run remotely under the web server
user id, which is typically not the root user.


In main.c, function php3_log_error():

                if (!strcmp(php3_ini.error_log, "syslog")) {
                        syslog(LOG_NOTICE, log_message);
                } else {
                        log_file = fopen(php3_ini.error_log, "a");
                        if (log_file != NULL) {
                                fprintf(log_file, log_message);

This one is a classical "format bug". There are a couple of other
similar fprintf() calls in the same function, as well as Apache API
function calls to aplog_error() and log_error() which all use the
log_message as a format string.

The message can be trivially generated with any php3 script on a web
server, for example by sending a POST request with content-type
"multipart/form-data" but without a boundary string. A shellcode and
other data may be placed in the error message. The error message can be
generated without the script actually wanting to process any POST data.

Another format bug in functions/syslog.c, function php3_syslog:

        syslog(priority->value.lval, message->value.str.val);

The "syslog" command of PHP takes two parameters, the priority/facility
number and the message itself. The message is always passed to libc
syslog() as a format string. Thus any program doing syslogging may be
vulnerable to a format string attack; details depend on the script in

The code fragments above are taken from PHP 3 sources, but the
vulnerabilities exist in PHP version 4 too.


Authors of PHP have been contacted (two weeks ago) and they have released
new versions of the software. OS vendors have been contacted as well and
they have, or will release fix packages shortly. A temporary workaround is
to disable error logging in php.ini, and disable any PHP scripts that use
the syslog command.

A new fixed version of PHP 4 is downloadable at



Vulnerability discovered by: Jouko Pynnönen <jouko@solutions.fi>

Jouko Pynnönen          Online Solutions Ltd       Secure your Linux -
jouko@solutions.fi                                 http://www.secmod.com

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