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Do please reply to this e-mail addess:abdoulsalif@hotmail.com

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Salif)
Mon Oct 27 08:56:34 2014

To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Reply-To: <abdoulsalif44@outlook.com>
From: "Salif"<abdoulsalif@outlook.com>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 14:54:50 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Message-ID: <SBSSRVDAeys8FSA4Ale00001326@sbssrv.bakertilly.local>

<BODY bgcolor=#FFFFFF leftmargin=5 topmargin=5 rightmargin=5 bottommargin=5>
<FONT size=2 color=#000000 face="Arial">
<B>Dear Sir,</B></DIV>
<B> I am Abdoul Salif, the account officer to the late Dr. Ravindra</B></DIV>
<B> F. Shah who died together with his wife Dr. Mrs. Manjula Parikh-Shah</B></DIV>
<B> in a plane crash on the 1st Oct. 2003 on their way to attending a wedding</B></DIV>
<B> in Boston. Dr. Ravindra F. Shah was an American, a physician and an</B></DIV>
<B> industrialist. He unfortunately died without having any heir to his assets</B></DIV>
<B> nor leaving any trace to his relatives. He had confided to me of his</B></DIV>
<B>interest to open</B></DIV>
<B>a company here in Burkina Faso with the funds deposited here but never</B></DIV>
<B>came back after</B></DIV>
<B>the deposit made in the year 2000 as he died in 2003.</B></DIV>
<B> The amount involved is Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand USD</B></DIV>
<B>($10,500,000.00). No</B></DIV>
<B>other person knows about this and I am</B></DIV>
<B> contacting you for us to transfer this funds to your account as the</B></DIV>
<B> heir and hence beneficiary to the fund. I have and will furnish you with all</B></DIV>
<B>necessary details the bank may need. I contacted you because the bank will only</B></DIV>
<B>believe and honour you with the fund knowing that our late customer was also a</B></DIV>
<B>foreigner like you but would definitely not work or believe a local</B></DIV>
<B>person from here.</B></DIV>
<B>I want to assure you that this is risk free and note that I am doing</B></DIV>
<B>this because the</B></DIV>
<B>bank here will only claim the funds if we don’t act now and receive the funds.</B></DIV>
<B>This is a mutual deal that we both stand to benefit so much from. All</B></DIV>
<B>I need is your</B></DIV>
<B>utmost trust, confidence and sincerity. You also have to guarantee me</B></DIV>
<B>that I will</B></DIV>
<B>receive my share after the transfer.</B></DIV>
<B>Do reply urgently so that I give you necessary details as to how to go about it.</B></DIV>
<B>Abdoul Salif</B></DIV>
<B> Do please reply to this e-mail addess:abdoulsalif@hotmail.com</B></DIV>

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