[193941] in Zephyr_Bugs

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From David Pambowei.

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (David Pambowei)
Mon Oct 27 07:33:52 2014

To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Message-ID: <938fe55651d9b4c72ff4b18f5d851d27.squirrel@68-169-37-59.underconstructionlink.com>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 11:09:20 -0000
From: "David Pambowei" <34rdb@dixoconsult.com>
Reply-To: davidpambowei@yandex.com
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Please contact me by a return mail to davidpambowei@yandex.com or call me
on +234-817-0872309 for details of the transfer into your account as more
details will be communicated to you on receipt of your swift response.


David Pambowei.

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