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daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Sally Ann Wells and Jerry Gregory)
Mon Oct 27 00:57:00 2014

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
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Content-Description: Mail message body
To: Recipients <ann@live.com>
From: "Sally Ann Wells and Jerry Gregory"<ann@live.com>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 00:39:58 -0400
Reply-To: annsally.oct09@yahoo.com
Message-Id: <20141027044011.32C8CAA3472@mail.asei.co.id>
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


i am Sally Ann,I and my husband won a National Lottery of £1,471,718 in Sep 09, 2014 we have voluntarily decided to donate the sum of 1 million ($1,000,000 million) as part of charity project, the objective of this donation is to make a notable change in the standard of living of the less privileged people all around your region  If you have received this email hen you are one of the lucky recipients to help us carry out this dream. 

urgently send us your contact details for us to send to our payout bank.


We anticipate your response.

Sally Ann Wells and Jerry Gregory.

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