[7] in Open-Software-Foundation-News
OSF Flash - DME News
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (corpcom@osf.org)
Fri Jan 14 19:00:20 1994
Resent-From: Bill Cattey <wdc@MIT.EDU>
Resent-To: osf-news-mtg@menelaus.LOCAL
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 94 13:53:04 -0500
From: corpcom@osf.org
To: becker@osf.org, cmt@osf.org, contacts-january@osf.org, donna@osf.org,
Date: Tue, 14 Jan, 94
To: OSF Members
From: corpcom@osf.org (OSF Corporate Communications)
Open Software Foundation
An electronic mail news flash for OSF Members from
the Open Software Foundation
January 14, 1994
This information was released to the press yesterday.
CONTACT : Jane Smeloff
Open Software Foundation
(617) 621-8997
Michel NICO
Bull, Paris
OSF Selects Bull As Primary Integrator for the DME
Network Management Option (NMO)
NMO scheduled for mid 1994 release.
CAMBRIDGE, MA January 13, 1994 - The Open Software
Foundation and Bull S.A. (Bull) today announced that
Bull has been selected to be the primary integrator for
the completion of the Network Management Option
(NMO) component of OSF's Distributed Management
Environment (DME). Bull is already a significant
contributor to the OSF DME, notably as the
provider of the implementation of X/Open's management
protocol (XMP) application programming interface (API).
The NMO release is planned for mid year 1994, allowing
users to benefit very quickly from a standard base
platform. As primary integrator, Bull will complete the
integration of the various subcomponents of the NMO
technology, develop the event system, and conduct system
test work.
The NMO, which is targeted to the management of
heterogeneous networks, handles the support of the
simple network management protocol (SNMP) and
the common management interface protocol (CMIP)
management protocols in distributed environments. The
NMO is designed to support legacy systems as well as
work with emerging standards. The underlying
technologies that were selected by OSF come from Bull,
Hewlett Packard, and Siemens NixdorfInformationssysteme.
OSF has for the past year led a combined team of the
above companies which has prepared for this final
integration process.
"We are delighted to work with Bull as the primary
integrator for completion of the NMO project," said
Jeanette Horan, Vice President of Interoperable
Technologies at OSF. "Bull has extensive experience in
the development and implementation of networking
solutions and was the provider of the XMP technology.
The NMO is a key technology that meets a very real user
need for managing distributed environments."
"We are highly supportive of the OSF effort to
accelerate the availability to the user community of
this standard, non-proprietary-based platform
component," said Denis Attal, Vice President Bull ISM
Business Unit. "This release will undoubtedly
hasten the availability of standard solutions for
network management, so much required by the world-wide
user community. Bull hails OSF's proven track record of
service to the ultimate benefit of the end-user,"
continued Attal.
Bull is one of the worldwide leading European-based
suppliers of information systems with a presence in over
100 countries. Bull develops, manufactures and sells
mainframes and open distributed information systems with
strengths in networking, distributed computing,
systems management, transaction processing, systems
integration, integrated software engineering and
personal computers. In addition, Bull provides
integrated product and service solutions. The company
has clearly stated its long-term dedication to open
systems and distributed computing by developing a
"framework" known throughout the world as the
Distributed Computing Model. This model provides
customers and independent software vendors with a
development and an integration framework, and set of
specifications for services, application
interfaces and exchange protocols that define the
evolution of Bull product offerings in the future.
The Open Software Foundation is a not-for-profit
research and development organization with the objective
of enabling business users of information technology to
exploit that technology to fundamentally change and
improve the way they do business. OSF supplies software
to make information technology easier to learn and
easier to use, while enabling various vendors equipment
to work together, and information and applications to be
accessed and shared across distributed,open computing
environments. OSF has created a coalition of vendors
and users working together, using an innovative open
process, to find and implement the best, most business
relevant technologies from organizations throughout
the world. Headquartered in Cambridge, MA, the OSF has
over 400 members and 300 employees worldwide.
OSF and Open Software Foundation are trademarks of the
Open Software Foundation, Inc.
# # #
Copyright 1994, Open Software Foundation, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Donna Esterling, Editor Promotional Programs Mgr
Open Software Foundation email: newsnug@osf.org
11 Cambridge Center phone: 617-621-8700
Cambridge, MA 02142 USA fax: 617-621-0631
c/o OSF Electronic Bulletin
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