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OSF DCE Technology Symposiums

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Bob Goldschneider)
Wed Mar 1 17:39:01 1995

Resent-From: Bill Cattey <wdc@MIT.EDU>
Resent-To: osf-news-mtg@menelaus.local
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 1995 16:29:49 -0500
To: sig-dce@osf.org, sig-dce-security@osf.org
From: bobg@osf.org (Bob Goldschneider)

OSF DCE Technology Symposiums -  1995 Series

 April 18 - 20    Phoenix, AZ
 May   9 - 11     Vancouver, British Columbia
 May  2 - 4       Washington, DC
 June 20 - 22     San Diego, CA
 June 27 - 29     Atlanta, GA

The OSF Technology Symposiums are one day events followed by two days of
training.  This training is designed to introduce technical managers and
information technology architects to the OSF Distributed Computing
Environment (DCE).

Day One:  The morning will provide a brief overview of the components
that make OSF DCE a powerful and secure distributed computing
environment.  The concepts and challenges of an electronic commerce
infrastructure will also be introduced.

The afternoon will present an overview of the DCE and the Worldwide Web.
This presentation will describe how Mosaic and Web technology can use
OSF DCE to provide both location transparency and security for
information resources resident on Web servers.  The day will close with
a brief presentation on the services available from OSF for
organizations traversing the DCE "Decision to Deployment" path.

Day Two:  Is a full day devoted to DCE's features and functionalities.
This technical seminar provides an architectural overview of the DCE
Core Services and the DCE Distributed File System (DFS).  It covers DCE
1.0.3 and the new features and functionality provided by DCE 1.1. Issues
in the computer industry that drove the need for DCE will be addressed
along with how DCE provides an effective solution for these problems.
Other topics include an overview of how a typical distributed
application works in a DCE cell as well as how DCE can be implemented in
a typical corporate environment.

Day Three:  Consist of two half day sessions.  Session One provides an
introduction to the tasks and issues of administering a DCE cell.  OSF
DCE System Administration provides an overview of the major tasks
involved in administering the DCE Core Services. It will address
administering a DCE 1.0.3 cell and will introduce the new administration
features provided by DCE 1.1.  Particular attention is paid to
administering the Cell Directory Service (CDS), Security, and the
Distributed Time Service (DTS).  Installing and configuring a DCE cell
will be addressed along with configuring cells to access resources in
other cells.

Session Two, Implementing DCE Security in a Distributed Environment,
provides an overview on how DCE Security is used to protect resources in
a distributed environment.  The seminar will address integrating DCE
Security in Legacy Systems and how DCE Security is used to provide an
integrated logon.  The new security features of DCE 1.1 will be
introduced along with how DCE Security is used to store security
information for UNIX and non-UNIX operating systems.

Program Overview:
Day One   - DCE Overview, Electronic Commerce Discussion,
            DCE and the Worldwide Web, DCE "Decision to Deployment"

Day Two   - DCE Features and Functionality
Day Three - DCE System Administration, Implementing DCE Security

OSF DCE Technology Symposiums fees:

For organizations that are not OSF Members:
  $ 99 for Day One only
  $300 for Day One and one day of training (either Day Two or Day Three)
  $450 for Day Two and Day Three
  $495 for all three days

For OSF Members:
  FREE for Day One only
  $175 for Day Two or Day Three
  $350 for Day Two and Day Three

(lunch provided each day)

To register, or to find out about group discounts, send email to

or fax your request to (617) 621-0306.  If you need to speak with a
representative please call OSF and ask for OSF Direct Channels.
Note: All major credit cards accepted


Company Name________________________________________________________





Open Software Foundation
11 Cambridge Center
Cambridge, MA 02142

|  Bob Goldschneider             Director, North American Operations|
|  Open Software Foundation    Ph  - (617) 621-8778                      |
|  11 Cambridge, Center            Fax- (617) 621-0631                     |
|  Cambridge, MA   02142       email <bobg@osf.org>                   |

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