[12] in Open-Software-Foundation-News
OSf Electronic Bulletin - Feb. '94
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (OSF Corporate Communications)
Mon Feb 28 15:51:20 1994
Resent-From: Bill Cattey <wdc@MIT.EDU>
Resent-To: osf-news-mtg@menelaus.LOCAL
To: newsnug@osf.org
Reply-To: newsnug@osf.org
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 1994 16:48:54 -0500
From: OSF Corporate Communications <corpcom@osf.org>
To: OSF Members
From: corpcom@osf.org (OSF Corporate Communications
Open Software Foundation)
NOTICE: Long copy follows (Approximately 23 pages)
Search for these topics inside this issue:
* Executive Summary
- key highlights from this month's Bulletin
* Technology news nuggets:
- OSF/Motif graphical user interface
- MOTIF Celebrates Its Fifth Year
- Motif Release 2.0 Update
- OSF/Motif updates User Environment Product Listing
- Two new Motif white papers available
- Motif at OSF Member Meeting - Brussels - May
- Motif Calendar of Events
- Distributed Computing Environment (DCE)
- DCE Patch Archive now available
- New DCE Product Catalog Revision Scheduled for May
- 1994 DCE Promotional Events Program Plan
- Distributed Management Environment (DME)
- DME Snapshot 4 available
- DME Conference and Trade show Schedule
- DME 1.0 Documentation Available
- OSF/1
- OSF/1 Highlights at Uniforum
- Data Capture Interface available for licensing
* OSF End User Forum news
* OSF Meeting Previews
- OSF Executive Briefing - March 16 - Wash., DC
- Implementing Open Client/Server Technologies Class- March
17-18, Wash DC
- OSF DCE Developers Symposium - April 18 - Wash., DC
- OSF Research Institute Symposium - April 21-22 - Cambridge
- OSF DCE Developers Symposium - April 18 - Wash., DC
- OSF Member Meeting - May 24-26 - Brussels, Belgium
* OSF Participates in Industry Events
* SIG news nuggets: News from OSF's Special Interest
* OSF Sabbatical Opportunities
* OSF Calendar of Events
OSF Electronic Bulletin
A monthly electronic mail news update for OSF Members
from the Open Software Foundation.
Vol 5, Issue 2. Feb 25, 1994
Executive Summary
- OSF will continue its series of Regional Executive
Briefings for member companies, and their guests. The March
16 OSF Regional Executive Briefing at the McLean Hilton,
Tyson's Corner, VA , will provide an overview of the issues
involved in migrating to open systems and a distributed
computing environment, (Details follow)
- Two new Motif white papers,"The New User Interface
Hybrids: Integrating User Environments with OSF/Motif,"
and "OSF Answers Frequently Asked Questions," including
Q&As on CDE and Motif, are now available. Send email to
- A DCE Patch Archive, a repository for repairs to critical
defects reported against the DCE 1.0 code base, is now
available from the OSF Software Support Group to all OSF DCE
Full Support Customers.
- The OSF End User Steering Committee is hosting an End User
Forum on Wednesday 23 March at the San Francisco ANA hotel.
The meeting will feature updates from OSF management, DCE and
DME status, user experiences with OSF technologies, and a
very interesting panel discussion entitled "Objects and the
Enterprise: Integrating Object Frameworks" with
representatives from several system and software vendors.
(more information later)
- The OSF Research Institute (RI) will hold its 1994
Symposium on April 21-22 in Cambridge,MA. This event
will focus on RI programs involving systems technology,
portability, and its new program in multimedia Internet
browsing based on the Mosaic technology. (More
information follows.)
- OSF will offer a one-day DCE Developer's Symposium on
Monday, April 18, in conjunction with the 3 day
Distributed Computing World and the Client/Server
Developers Conference, April 19-21, in Washington D.C.
(Details later in this bulletin)
- The OSF Member Meeting planned is for May 24-26 in
Brussels, Belgium. It will afford members the
opportunity to network with high level leaders in open
systems and focus on OSF technology updates, industry-
specific workshops, user experiences in implementing OSF
technologies, OSF technology demonstrations, and
discussions of trends, issues and plans. (Information
Technology News Nuggets
OSF/Motif Highlights - User Environment Technology
Motif Celebrates Its Fifth Year
As the OSF/Motif(R) user interface technology approaches
its fifth birthday, we are pleased to share with you
some observations about our accomplishments and future
prospects in the user environment area.
Initially introduced in February 1989 in snapshot form,
the OSF/Motif user interface now shares the stage with
the X Window System as one of the veritable successes of
the Open Systems community. The success is due largely
to the level of consistency which the Motif technology,
together with X, has offered end users and developers
across multiple computer platforms. Approximately 1.5
million computer users, on 200 different hardware and
operating system combinations, benefit from a Motif user
interface that is easy to use and consistent with the
user interface behavior conventions that were pioneered
in single-vendor products on personal computers. Over
2900 source licenses have been executed worldwide and we
estimate that over 70 percent of the leading
corporations of the world are delivering software
solutions using the Motif interface, and nearly 100
percent are using them.
In the past year, workstation volume leader Sun
Microsystems announced its adoption of the Motif
technology, and began shipping a Motif product for the
Solaris operating system. With the certification of
Motif implementations on four of their architectures,
Sun joined the ranks of system vendors Digital, Hewlett-
Packard and IBM, and software vendors Alsys, Integrated
Computer Solutions, IXI, Santa Cruz Operation, and SI
Systems, all of whom have officially certified
implementations of Motif 1.2.
This past December marked the establishment of the first
IEEE standard for user interfaces, called P1295, which
is directly derived from the OSF/Motif Application
Environment Specification (AES) and style. Soon, with
the codification of an X/Open Common Desktop Environment
(CDE) specification that uses OSF/Motif technology as
its foundation, all the major workstation software
vendors are expected to ship standard-compliant Motif
software as an intrinsic part of their desktop computing
Later this year we'll be introducing Motif 2.0 with
extensibility in C and C++, new widgets and other
exciting features. We hope you'll take this opportunity
to enjoy the progress that has been made so far, and
keep in touch as we undertake new challenges in the user
Motif Release 2.0 Update
During last November's User Environment SIG meeting, OSF
was requested to consider adding two items to the 2.0
plan (CDE extensions and additional performance work)
even at the expense of extending the 2.0 schedule by one
quarter. We're pleased to report that OSF will be able
to follow the SIG's recommendation however this moves the
2.0 General Availability to Q3 94. The extension means
that when we build and test 2.0 against X11 R6 before
shipping it, we are likely to be able to do this with a
final R6 version rather than a beta version.
A third 2.0 snapshot in Q2 will now be provided and will
include the CDE and performance extensions for our
snapshot licensees. If you're interested in obtaining
this snapshot, and are NOT currently a snapshot licensee,
please send email to crow@osf.org. This snapshot
builds and runs on three OSF/Motif reference machines:
HP 9000/700 running HP UX 9.01, using shared libraries;
Sun Sparcstation 2 running Sun OS 4.1.2, and an Intel 486
architecture system running OSF/1 1.2.
Our external test program continues and we're asking test
partners to continue their testing to include the
"Extension" functionality to be provided with the third
and final snapshot. Another positive side effect of this
change is that we will be able ship the 1.2.4 update
release as early as March. Please contact our Motif
Technology Manager, Darrell Crow, for additional
information about Motif 2.0.
OSF/Motif updates User Environment Product Listing
Each month, OSF fulfills requests for over 100 copies of
its OSF/Motif User Environment Product Listing, It
includes a wide variety of Motif products. If you
haven't received your copy, telephone OSF Direct at 617-
621-7300. In preparation for the Spring '94 edition of
the OSF/Motif User Environment Products Listing, we
invite you to update and/or amend copy you may have
submitted in the past. We also strongly encourage any
newcomers in the ranks of ISVs and end-users to submit
product descriptions for inclusion.
Two new Motif white papers available
The Motif Business Area has been busy along with members
of our development staff producing two new white papers
that may be of interest to you. They include:
-- "The New User Interface Hybrids: Integrating User
Environments with OSF/Motif,"
-- "OSF Answers Frequently Asked Questions," including
Q & As on CDE and Motif.
For your copy send email to crow@osf.org. Indicate
whether or not you would like to have a published or
email version.
Motif at OSF Member Meeting - Brussels - May
During the May Member Meeting, we will host a panel
discussions by System Vendors and End Users on their
experiences in building user interfaces and applications
using Motif Rel 1.2. If you're interested in
participating on this panel, please send email to
crow@osf.org. Also, we have an opportunity to show OSF
members your application. If you're interested in
demonstrating your Motif-based application, please send
email to the same address.
Motif Calendar of Events
Uniforum Mar 23-25 San Francisco, CA
XWorld Apr 25-28 New York City, NY
OSF/Motif SIG Meeting Early May Tentative Schedule
OSF Member Meeting May 24-26 Brussels, Belgium
XHibition June 22-24 San Jose, CA
OSF Super Sig Week Oct 31-Nov 4 Boston, MA
Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) Technology Update
DCE Patch Archive now available
A DCE Patch Archive, a repository for repairs to critical
defects reported against the DCE 1.0 code base, is now
available from the OSF Software Support Group.
The Patch Archive is available to all OSF DCE Full Support
Customers through the AFS-based Comprehensive Defect and
Status Reports.
The archive provides a common source of fixes to critical
interoperability defects. To be placed in the archive,
Defect Repairs must be reported by the field, and have
significant effect on the interoperability of heterogeneous
DCE toolkits. By using the fixes found in the archive,
vendors will have greater assurance that interoperability
issues will be solved in a common way, thereby lessening
the chance of applying fixes which won't work with other
vendor's DCE.
If you have a DCE software support contract, simply call
our Response Center Administrator at 617-621-8990 for more
details. If you wish to purchase a DCE software support
contract, contact OSF/Direct, at 617-621-7300.
New DCE Product Catalog Revision Scheduled for May
The DCE Product Catalog has proven to be quite valuable as
a tool for making DCE acquisitions. It is the single
source for information on which vendors are offering DCE
products, applications and services. Today, it contains
over 70 mainframe, desktop and workstation offerings as
well as relational databases, OLTP systems, and development
The new revision, scheduled for May this year will show the
momentum behind the DCE technology. It will focus on
applications and tools which round out the DCE solution.
The product catalog will also reflect a major milestone in
the DCE lifecycle -- the availability of "DCE Certified"
systems that OSF will highlight in the catalog and
demonstrate at the upcoming NetWorld + Interop events
starting with NetWorld + Interop-Las Vegas in May.
If you would like to add a DCE application, service, or
product to the catalog, please send the following
information via email or fax to Courtney Grey, grey@osf.org
- 617-225-2782 fax. Please list "DCE Product Catalog" in
the subject line to ensure proper handling. Include:
Product/service name
Availability date
Supported platforms
Company name/address
Contact name/numbers
1994 DCE Promotional Events Program Plan
Participatory Program Events:
+ = key promotional event
- = optional event
** = special Interoperability Certification Program event
Event/location Activity type When
-------------- ------------- ----------
- Usenix OSF Speakers Jan. 17-25
San Francisco
- Share OSF Speakers Feb. 21-25
Anaheim, CA
- Nikkei Show DCE showcase Feb. 22-24
Tokyo and conference
- Decorum '94 OSF Speakers Mar. 2-4
Orlando, FL
- OSF Executive Briefing OSF meeting Mar. 16
Wash., DC for guests and
- UniForum DCE showcase Mar. 23-25
San Francisco and conf. speakers
- DCE Developers' (Mini dev. conf.) Apr. 18
Symposium DCE demo's
Wash., DC
+** I-FEST Challenge Certification lab Apr. 11-22
+** NetWorld + Interop Certified demo's May 2-6
Las Vegas
- DECUS OSF speakers May 9-13
New Orleans,LA
+ Members Meeting DCE demo's May 24-26
- DB Expo OSF speakers May 24-26
San Francisco
+** NetWorld + Interop Certified demo June 6-10
+ Developers' Conf. Sponsor conf.; August '94
Boston area DCE demo's (dates tentative
- Q2 or Q394)
+** NetWorld + Interop Certified demo's July 25-29
- NetWorld + Interop --- Sept 12-14
+** NetWorld + Interop Certified demo's Oct. 25-28
- Super*SIG*Week DCE demo's Oct. 31-
Boston area Nov. 4
**- I-FEST Certification lab Nov. ??
Additional OSF Briefing dates are being finalized.
For more information about demonstrating your
organization's DCE implementation, development tool, or
application, at any of the above events, contact Courtney
Grey, grey@osf.org - 617-225-2782 fax. List the name(s)
and date(s) of the event in the subject line.
Distributed Management Environment (DME) Technology Update
DME Snapshot 4 available
OSF is pleased to make available to all interested DME
Snapshot Licensees DME Snapshot 4, a new version of the
Network Management Option (NMO) code and documentation .
On February 14, letters were sent to all DME Snapshot
Licensees providing the information necessary to access
DME Snapshot 4. If you are a DME Snapshot Licensee and
have "not" received you letter, please contact OSF
Direct at 617-621-7300 before March 1.
DME Conference and Trade show Schedule
Look for DME to be a highlighted topic during the
following conference and/or trade show sessions:
March 23-25 UniForum San Francisco, CA
May 2-6 Networld + Interop Las Vegas, NV
May 24-26 OSF Member Meeting Brussels, Belgium
July 25-29 Networld + Interop Tokyo, Japan
Make you reservations early to attend information
gathering sessions and panel discussions about DME.
DME 1.0 Documentation Available
In November '93, OSF announced the general availability
of DME 1.0, the first fully interoperable, architecture-
neutral distributed management solutions available in
the open systems marketplace.
For interested members and users, OSF now has available
DME 1.0 stand-alone documentation which includes the
following selections:
-- Introduction to DME
-- System Administrator's Guide and Reference
-- Application Developer's Guide and Reference
To order documentation or for pricing information,
please contact:
Natalie Tarbet in North America at:
617-621-8762; Fax: 617-621-0631;
Email: <tarbet@osf.org>
Christine Mambourg in Europe at:
+32 2 772 8888; Fax: +32 2 772 9228;
Email: <mambourg@osf.org>
Haruyo Nogami in the Pacific Region at:
813-3479-4740; Fax: 813-3479-4760;
Email: <nogami@osf.org>
For DME 1.0 licensing information, please contact OSF
Direct at 617-621-7300.
OSF/1 Highlights
OSF/1 Highlights at Uniforum
The OSF/1 technology will be demonstrated at Uniforum in
San Francisco on March 22-25. The demonstrations will
consist of Hitachi's HI-OSF/1-M Operating System. HI-
OSF/1-M V1.1 features a robust, upgraded kernel, plus
optional hierarchical storage management through
Hitachi's EpochServ-M, as well as support for the
Hitachi VERITAS Volume Manager. In addition, IBM will
be demonstrating their Microkernel technology.
The microkernel will host an OSF/1 single server
personality. Please stop by the OSF booth (#3027) and
see these wonderful demonstrations.
Data Capture Interface available for licensing
Data Capture Interface (DCI) is an enabling technology
that provides a standard framework for gathering system
performance information. The DCI framework provides a
standard interface for applications to register and
provide performance metrics, regardless of data type.
DCI will most often be used by applications that report
on system performance, such a monitoring and system
management tools. Jointly developed by Open Software
Foundation (OSF) and Digital Equipment Corporation, DCI
is based on a specification developed by the Performance
Management Working Group (PMWG) of the Computer
Measurement Group (DMG).
The OSF DCI implementation contains five components: 1)
the DCI run-time library and include files, 2) a DCI
server in user space, 3) a DCI test library, 4) a DCI
device driver, and 5) documentation, including design
document and manual pages.
DCI will be available in OSF/1 Release 1.3. Until June
1, OSF is also making DCI available to companies without
an OSF/1 licenses for a discounted price under a
separate licensing agreement. For more information
contact Jeff Phillips at 617-621-7224 or email
End User Activity
The End User Steering Committee (EUSC) has been very
busy recently dealing with issues around enhanced end
user input into OSF processes. We have also worked on
the schedule of events for 1994.
Interaction with the Board
The End User Steering Committee met in February with the
OSF Board of Directors to discuss ways in which the end
user membership can facilitate the evolution of OSF.
The continued delivery of vendor-neutral technologies
for interoperable distributed systems is critical to
meeting end user business process needs. The Board was
very receptive to our concerns and suggestions. The
Steering Committee is now working with OSF management to
implement continued and effective end user involvement
in OSF direction setting. We will distribute more
details as our plans evolve.
Calendar Planning
The EUSC is hosting an End User Forum on Wednesday 23
March from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm at the San Francisco ANA
hotel (just a few blocks from the Moscone Center). This
event is being held concurrent with the UniForum trade
show to encourage users to take advantage of both
events. The End User Forum, planned and hosted by the
OSF End User members, will feature updates from OSF
management, DCE and DME status, user experiences with
OSF technologies, and a very interesting panel
discussion entitled "Objects and the Enterprise:
Integrating Object Frameworks" with representatives from
several system and software vendors.
END USERS wishing to register for this informative event
should contact Marcie Becker at OSF via email at
becker@osf.org. There is no cost. Participation is a
benefit of OSF membership, and is critical to the
ability of the user community to provide input into the
delivery of open systems technology. We look forward to
seeing you there!
Events coming up in the near future include the
end user activities at the May OSF member meeting in
Brussels, and regional forums this year in the U.S. and
If you have further questions on end user activities,
please contact Ted Hanss, Chair, End User Steering
Committee (Voice: +1 313 763-6185, FAX: +1 313 763-4434,
email: ted@umich.edu), or Marcie Becker, Communications
Manager, Membership Programs, OSF (Voice: +1 617-621-
8793 or email: becker@osf.org.
OSF Meeting Previews
OSF Regional Executive Briefing - March 16 - Wash., DC
To provide an overview of the issues involved in
migrating to open systems and a distributed computing
environment, OSF will continue its series of Regional
Executive Briefings for member companies, their regional
or local employees, and their developer or user
customers. OSF session leaders and guest presenters
will cover the following topics during the March 16 OSF
Regional Executive Briefing at the McLean Hilton,
Tyson's Corner, VA:
* DCE update and future plans
* DME update and future plans
* EOS/DIS using DCE -- presented by Ed Lerner and
Carl Wheatly, Hughes Applied Information Systems
* DCE Integration with LANs -- presented by Jay
Seaton, Banyan Systems, Inc.
* Development in a DCE environment -- presented by
Randall K., Maroney, Template Software Inc.
* Security in a Distributed Computing Environment --
presented by Rich Martin, OSF Professional
To register for the meeting, call Maribeth Llopiz, OSF,
at 617-621-8755. For hotel reservations, contact the
McLean Hilton at Tyson's Corner at 703-847-5000.
Implementing Open Client/Server Technologies Class -
March 17-18 - Wash., DC
Following the OSF Regional Executive Briefing day
described above, OSF will hold a two-day class for IT
Management at the Sheraton Crystal City in Arlington,
VA. "Implementing Open Client/Server Technologies" is a
course for engineers and technical managers which
identifies the technical barriers to successful client-
server implementations and offers strategies for
resolving these impediments. Among the open client-
server technology topics discussed in the course are the
* Software development
* DCE integration with legacy networks and platforms
* On-line Transaction Processing (OLTP) monitors
* Data management
* Security
The course applies its concepts to an example IT
To register for the class, call Maribeth Llopiz, OSF, at
617-621-8755. For hotel reservations, contact the
Sheraton Crystal City at 703-9799-3556.
OSF DCE Developers Symposium - April 18 - Wash, DC
OSF is pleased to announce the DCE Developers Symposium.
This one-day DCE conference, running concurrently with
Distributed Computing World, will be held Monday, April
18, at the Washington DC Convention Center.
Attend the DCE Developers Symposium to hear pioneers who
are using OSF DCE today. You will learn from their
experiences as you plan your distributed computing
strategy. Hear developers discuss tools that ease the
development of DCE applications and how you can best use
If you are responsible for developing distributed
applications that must be portable and interoperable
across a wide variety of platforms, you cannot afford to
miss this opportunity. Mark your calendar and reserve
your place at what promises to be an informative,
productive conference.
For more information about the OSF DCE Developers
Symposium, call DCI Customer Service: 508-470-3880, fax
your request to 508-470-0526 or respond via Compuserve
at 75300,2002
Be sure to mention your priority code of BVQ1H00.
Cambridge, Marriott
The OSF Research Institute (RI) will hold its Spring
1994 Symposium at the Cambridge Marriott, April 21 and
22. At this once-a-year event, the RI will present its
latest work in systems technology, portability, and its
new program in multimedia Internet browsing. The
symposium will also cover the Research Institute's 1994
and 1995 plans. Our objective is to obtain your
feedback and to encourage collaboration. During the
symposium you will be able to discuss our technology
directions directly with the research team responsible
for each program.
Systems Technology
We will describe the RI's systems technology programs in
real-time, scalable computing, performance enhancements
and high trust. For each of these areas, we will provide
results, a detailed plan for next year, the technology
release schedule for 1994, and information on how you
can gain access to the code base. Your feedback will be
reflected in our future plans. We are especially
interested in members who would like to collaborate with
us in the development of advanced system technology.
We will also discuss the potential transition to a
commercial code base for our ongoing research program.
Use and maturity of Mach has grown to the extent that
this is an appropriate time to initiate this discussion.
We will offer OSF/1 licensees and OSF members the
opportunity to describe the status of their
technology, if they have a Mach 3 implementation that
they are prepared to provide to others, and/or their
requirements if they are interested in obtaining such an
implementation from others.
Multimedia Internet Browsing
The RI has received government and industry funding to
initiate a new program related to the emerging Worldwide
Information Infrastructure (WII). We are initiating a
three year project to develop an Intelligent Assistant
for the Mosaic multimedia Internet browser. We will
describe and demonstrate Mosaic, explain the objectives
for this project and solicit your input and your
potential collaboration. The emergence of the WII is an
exciting development and we believe that open systems
has an important role to play in its realization. We
will discuss a program to assist members in setting up
Mosaic browsers and World Wide Web servers within their
In addition, by April we will have completed an ANDF
research kit including the latest technology from DRA
and a modified GCC compiler. The kit will provide
members with the capability to experiment with ANDF on
most Unix platforms. During the symposium, we will
describe the kit, and make it available to interested
For OSF members, the symposium fee is $300. For non-
members, the fee is $600. Space is limited. For a copy
of the agenda and a registration form, contact Lori
Goldstein Phipps at the Research Institute. Phone: 617-
621-7343, email: lori@osf.org.
OSF Member Meeting - Brussels - May 24-26
The OSF Member Meeting is planned for May 24-26 in the
Conrad Hotel, Brussels, Belgium. Members will network
with other high level leaders in open systems while
focusing on OSF technology updates, industry-specific
workshops, user experiences in implementing OSF
technologies, and discuss trends, issues and plans.
The meeting provides a forum for members to exchange
ideas, discuss problems, learn from each other, and
demonstrate their latest products supporting OSF
technologies to other members.
On-site registration for the three-day member meeting
begins on Monday afternoon, May 23. On Tuesday, the
Member Meeting opens with messages from OSF leaders and
technology experts. On Wednesday and Thursday, a
variety of in-depth sessions, panels, workshops, and
discussions will take place simultaneously. Between
sessions, demonstrations will feature hardware and
software supporting OSF technologies.
We plan to send Member Meeting registration materials to
OSF member business, primary and technical contacts in
early March. If you wish to make hotel reservations,
you may do so by contacting the hotel at Tel: +32 2 542
48 00 or Fax: +32 2 542 42 00. The nightly room rate is
BEF 8500. Please state that you are attending the OSF
Member Meeting. We also encourage you to make your air
reservations early in order to take advantage of the
lowest rates.
OSF Participates in Industry Events
UniForum '94
March 23-25, 1994
Moscone Center
San Francisco, CA
OSF will have a tremendous presence at UniForum this year
with two booths in both North and South Halls. Drop by
and see OSF technologies in action!
The Distributed Computing Showcase in North Hall #5321
will be the largest ever, with over 20 demos of both DCE
and DME. Attendees at this show will see innovative DCE
applications, development tools, and implementations,
interoperating and running on a variety of platforms.
Those of you who have visited an OSF Distributed
Computing Showcase before will see some newcomers in our
booth. Those of you who haven't visited a Distributed
Computing Showcase before, or would like to learn
more about DCE, should drop by the Vendor Briefing
Theater (Booth #5337) on Wednesday or Thursday at 1:30 pm
to hear an OSF representative explain DCE and the
importance of the showcase demonstrations. Companies in
the Distributed Computing Showcase include:
* Bull * Intraco Systems
* Digital Equipment Corp. * Open Environment Corp.
* Ellery Systems * OSF
* HaL Computer Systems * Oracle Corp.
* Hewlett-Packard * The Santa Cruz Operation
* IBM * Siemens Nixdorf
Information Systems
When you finish touring the Showcase in the North Hall,
drop by the OSF booth in South Hall. The OSF Booth
(#3027) will showcase demonstrations based on the OSF
technologies OSF/1 and Motif. Companies who plan to
participate in our booth:
* AGE Logic * Hitachi
* Alsys * IBM
* Digital * IXI
Networld + Interop - Las Vegas
May 4-6, 1994
Las Vegas Convention Center
Las Vegas, NV
Plans are already underway for the Distributed Computing
Showcase (Booth #632) at Networld + Interop in Las Vegas.
Networld + Interop is recognized as the most important
event in networking and conference management is
working with OSF on promotion of this Showcase, which
will be a 40'x 50' booth, even larger than UniForum!
Don't miss out on being a part of the largest ever
Distributed Computing Showcase.
If you are interested in participating, please contact
Courtney Grey at grey@osf.org or 617-621-8870 for a Guest
Exhibitor Information form.
The most recent DCE SIG meeting was held November 1-2 as
part of the Super SIG Week in Boston. OSF presented the
current status of the DCE program, Microsoft presented
their perspective on the DCE RPC, and Project Pilgrim
spoke about the performance information they collected
in their use of DCE. A new work group, called the DCE
Deployment work group, was formed in order to provide a
forum for end-users to discuss issues and exchange
experiences relating to the deployment of DCE.
The next meeting of the DCE and DME combined SIG will be
March 21-22 in Santa Cruz, Calif. Details have already
been mailed out to the SIG list. If you recently joined
the SIG list, and did not get that mailing, contact me
for details.
At the next meeting, we will have the usual OSF updates,
plus we will elect new chairpeople for both SIGs. Also,
the working groups will meet, some of which will combine
the respective groups from the DME and the DCE SIGs.
To join the DCE SIG and SIG distribution list, send mail
to sig-dce-request@osf.org. For general SIG questions
or comments, contact Sumner Blount at 508-486-5966
or blount@tuxedo.enet.dec.com.
Internationalization SIG
The next OSF I18N SIG will be held in Santa Cruz,
California, in conjunction with the OSF DCE SIG. The
DCE SIG is being hosted by the Santa Cruz Operation
(SCO). SCO and the Chair of the DCE SIG have kindly
offered to have the I18N SIG join their meeting.
Dates: March 21-22 (Monday and Tuesday of UniForum
TENTATIVE AGENDA: (more details will follow in March.)
Day 1: DCE SIG general meeting 9:00 am (I18N members
attend) Workgroup meetings in the afternoon; the OSF
I18N SIG will meet together with the DCE SIG I18N WG.
L10N Focus Group at 4:00 pm (tentatively)
Day 2: I18N SIG meeting 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Sandra Martin O'Donnell will give updates on:
OSF/1, Motif and CDE, XoJIG
In the afternoon, we will have:
Far East update, L10N update
Discussion of Future development and
requirements for I18N by all participants
(Future SIG focus?)
For more information, please contact one of the I18N SIG
Jon Bale, Hewlett-Packard jon_bale@cup.hp.com
Terry Rowan, IBM temporarily at
Security SIG:
The date and location of the next OSF Security meeting
was changed from February 8-10 to April 5-7, 1994. The
meeting will be hosted by Hewlett-Packard Company in
Cupertino, California. The agenda has not been
finalized but some of the topics of discussion will be:
- New DCE Security Requirements
- Smart-cards
- Public Key Cryptography
- DCE - Operating Environment Login Integration
- Invited speaker to discuss typical security
requirements associated with their particular
The OSF Security SIG meets three times per year
including one meeting per year in Europe. The SIG
members include representatives from government,
vendors, end users, third parties and OSF. The group is
very active and meetings usually have 40+ attendees. If
you are interested in security issues, you are WELCOME
to join our group!
To join the Security SIG and SIG distribution list, send
mail to: sig-security-request@osf.org.
For more information about the OSF Security SIG contact:
Charles Blauner or Jim Schindler
Bellcore Hewlett-Packard Company
908-699-8395 408-447-4600
chazx@ctt.bellcore.com js@cup.hp.com
OSF Sabbatical Opportunities
Sabbatical assignments are available in many of OSF
technology areas. To be considered, please submit a
detailed resume describing your education and
experiences to help us determine the most effective
assignment. We try to personalize each assignment to
achieve the maximum benefit for you, your organization
and OSF. OSF managers from the specific technologies
will thoroughly and promptly evaluate your background.
Assignments are available in the following areas:
Research Institute-Cambridge and Grenoble, France
- - Mach microkernel development
- Real time applications
- Device interface
- Networking
- Development
- - OSF/1 Advanced Development
- Microkernel development
- Filesystem and process development
- Performance measurement
- - Trust Engineer
- Principal Engineer to design, document,
code and debug a microkernel, based on
the Mach kernel, using object-oriented
design methodologies and C++. Rigorous
adherence to modular design, kernel
minimization and significant restructuring
of the existing Mach kernel are required.
The microkernel will be used in a high-trust
system in which security policy decisions are
made by higher layers of the total system.
To be considered for an assignment, please contact Phil
Sheerin, Sabbatical Programs Manager, OSF Cambridge at
617-621-8788, by fax at 617-621-8781, or by email to
OSF Calendar of 1994 Major Events
Members interested in learning more about OSF
technologies should check the OSF Calendar for
local events featuring OSF presentations. Below is a
listing of events, activities, and presentations where
you can hear more about OSF.
February 24 - Decorum '94
March 4 Orlando Marriott Resort
Orlando, Florida
February 28 to Groupware '94 - Boston
March 3
March 9-11 Software World/Client-Server World
Toronto, Canada
Metro Toronto Convention Center
March 14-18 Software Development
San Jose
March 16 OSF Regional Executive Briefing
for members and guests
McLean Hilton
Tyson's Corner, VA
March 16-17 SEC Symposium on Interoperability
OSF Presentations
March 16-23 CeBIT
Hannover, Germany
March 17-18 OSF's Implementing Open Client/Server
Technologies Class for IT Management
Sheraton Crystal City
Alexandria, VA
March 21-24 FOSE
Washington, D.C.
March 21-22 System Admin USENIX
San Francisco
March 21-22 DCE and DME SIG Meeting
Santa Cruz, California
March 21-22 Internationalization SIG Meeting
(Dates to overlap with DCE and DME SIG)
Santa Cruz, California
March 22-25 Patricia Seybold's Marathon Week
Boston, MA
March 23 End User Forum Meeting
San Francisco ANA Hotel
March 23-25 UniForum
San Francisco
March 29-30 DECUS
OSF/1 Microkernel
April ? Lotus World '94
Boston MA
April 5-7 Security SIG meeting
Cupertino, CA
April 5-7 Rightsizing Expo
Tokyo, Japan
April 5-8 IBM Enterprise Expo
Orlando, Florida
April 6-8 Open Systems & Client/Server Computing
Toronto, Ontario
April 10-13 Crossroads '94
(Nina Litton's)
Rancho Mirage, CA
OSF Keynote
April 11-22 OSF I-Fest
Interoperability certification
event, Cambridge, MA
April 18 OSF Developers Symposium
Washington Convention Center
Washington, D.C.
April 19-21 Distributed Computing World/
Client/Server Developers Conference
Washington Convention Center
Washington, D.C.
April 19-21 Unix Reseller Show & Conference
Dallas, Texas
April 19-21 Networks Expo
San Francisco, CA
April 21-22 Spring OSF Research Institute Symposium
Cambridge Marriott
April 25-27 X World
New York
May 2-6 Networld + Interop 94
Las Vegas Convention Center
May 2-5 Supercomm ICC '94
Ernest N. Morial Conv. Ctr.
New Orleans, LA
May 9-13 DECUS
New Orleans, LA
4 DCE sessions
May 17-20 Business Show (JAPAN)
OSF DCE demo showcase
May 23-26 COMDEX Spring
Atlanta, GA
May 24-26 OSF Member Meeting
Brussels, Belgium
May 22-26 ICA ComNet Dallas
May 30 - AIC Conference
June 1 Singapore
June 30 OSF Japan Symposium
June 6-10 NetWorld + Interop 94 - Berlin
June 8-10 Enterprise
Boston, MA
June 8-10 Focus '94
Copenhagen, Denmark
June 15-17 Supercomputing Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan
June 20-24 Xhibition
San Jose, CA
June 27-28 SDNE
July 27-29 Networld+Interop Japan
OSF DCE demo showcase
September 7-14 AIIA and AUUG
The Open Software Foundation is a not-for-profit research
and development organization headquartered in Cambridge,
Massachusetts with more than 400 members worldwide.
Copyright 1994, Open Software Foundation, Inc. All
rights reserved. OSF, OSF/1, OSF/Motif, Motif and Open
Software Foundation are trademarks of Open Software
Foundation, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX
Systems Laboratories in the United States and other
countries. X Window System is a trademark of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Donna Esterling, Editor OSF Electronic Bulletin
Open Software Foundation email: newsnug@osf.org
11 Cambridge Center phone: 617-621-8700
Cambridge, MA 02142 USA fax: 617-621-0631
Send comments to the editor to:
The OSF Electronic Bulletin is sent monthly to the OSF
primary, technical, public relations, business, SIG
participants and other member contacts for whom we have
e-mail addresses on file. Members who wish to be
included on the electronic mailing list, and contacts who
want to change or update their email address on the OSF
Electronic Bulletin mailing list, should contact:
- END -