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daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Macroworld)
Thu Sep 29 12:23:32 2016

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Dear Colleague,=20
The Journal of American Studies: Eurasian Perspectives (JASEP) is an i=
nternational peer-reviewed journal, published semi-annually. The Insti=
tute of Language and Communication Studies and Macro World Publishing =
jointly edit the journal. It invites research on the topics of America=
n literature, art and humanities including U.S. culture and literature=
, socio-linguistics, migration to the U.S., feminism, socio-cultural a=
pproaches to American life, social problems and social changes, human =
rights, ethnic and racial studies, terrorism and public service. Its m=
ain focus, however, is on the various European and Asian perspectives =
on these issues.=20

JASEP seeks to open a debate on the legacy of Europeans and Asians on =
the Americas, and in turn examines the socio-political and cultural wa=
ys in which America shapes the continents of Europe and Asia. The jour=
nal aims to demarcate an interdisciplinary field of inquiry and to see=
k innovative research issues related to ethnic studies disciplines tha=
t critically examine the history, culture, politics, and experiences o=
f the people of Eurasia in an encounter with the American continent.

JASEP also focuses on exploring American mind reflections in the peopl=
e of Eurasian ancestry. Moreover, the journal centers on the reflectio=
ns of the history, culture, literature and politics of the United Stat=
es in the minds of Asian and European people.=20

The Journal of American Studies: Eurasian Perspectives is an interdisc=
iplinary platform that publishes articles representing a wide range of=
 academic disciplines, including sociology, history, political science=
, literature, cultural and gender studies and promoting a variety of r=
esearch methods.  The double blind review process, the rich editorial =
board, zero tolerance for plagiarism and high respect for publication =
ethics, as well as a strong commitment towards scheduled publication a=
re the key features of the Institute=E2=80=99s journals. The journal a=
ccepts online submissions only.=20
If you would like to discuss your paper prior to submission, or seek a=
dvice on the submission process please contact the Editorial Office, a=
t the following email address: jasep@macroworldpub.com
Submission and Publication Information:
Submission deadline: December 20th, 2016
Final manuscript submissions to publisher: Feb, 2017
Submission to first decision:  3 weeks
Submission to final decision: 6 weeks
Number of papers: 7 to 10 papers
Early View (Online Version of Record published before inclusion in an =

Submit Online   I   Manuscript Submission   I   Editorial Board  I=20

Europe and America Office
22 Kings Avenue Muswell Hill=20
London N10 1PB=20
United Kingdom
www.macroworldpub.ukMiddle East, Africa Office
Mansuroglu Mah. 273/4 Sk.=20
No:7/C 35535 Bayrakli Izmir=20

For more information, visit the official website of the journals: www.=
MacroWorld Publishing respect your privacy. This email is not automate=
d email. If you wish not to receive emails please
To unsubscribe from future announcements click on the following link a=
nd confirm: Unsubscribe by email

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GHT: 700"><FONT color=3D#0077a3><A href=3D"http://macroworldpub.com/ne=
wsletter/jasep.htm"><FONT color=3D#963467>please click here</FONT></A>=
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<P align=3Dright><BR data-mce-bogus=3D"1">&nbsp;</P></TD>
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<TD vAlign=3Dmiddle width=3D164 align=3Dright><A style=3D"TEXT-DECORAT=
ION: none" href=3D"http://www.macroworldpub.com"><FONT color=3D#963467=
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N: none"><FONT color=3D#0077a3><A href=3D"http://www.macroworldpub.com=
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<TR bgColor=3D#cccccc>
<TD bgColor=3D#d7ddd7 height=3D1 align=3Dcenter></TD>
<TD bgColor=3D#f3f3f3 align=3Dcenter>&nbsp;=20
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nt-size: 12px;">
<TD height=3D15 vAlign=3Dtop colSpan=3D3><FONT style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 8pt=
" color=3D#808080><IMG border=3D0 src=3D"http://macroworldpub.com/news=
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<TD style=3D"BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px solid" bgColor=3D#ffffff height=3D829 =
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<TD bgColor=3D#ffffff height=3D829 vAlign=3Dtop width=3D623>
<P style=3D"TEXT-ALIGN: left">&nbsp;</P>
<P style=3D"TEXT-ALIGN: left">Dear Colleague, </P>
<P style=3D"TEXT-ALIGN: left">The Journal of American Studies: Eurasia=
n Perspectives (JASEP) is an international peer-reviewed journal, publ=
ished semi-annually. The Institute of Language and Communication Studi=
es and Macro World Publishing jointly edit the journal. It invites res=
earch on the topics of American literature, art and humanities includi=
ng U.S. culture and literature, socio-linguistics, migration to the U.=
S., feminism, socio-cultural approaches to American life, social probl=
ems and social changes, human rights, ethnic and racial studies, terro=
rism and public service. Its main focus, however, is on the various Eu=
ropean and Asian perspectives on these issues. <BR><BR>JASEP seeks to =
open a debate on the legacy of Europeans and Asians on the Americas, a=
nd in turn examines the socio-political and cultural ways in which Ame=
rica shapes the continents of Europe and Asia. The journal aims to dem=
arcate an interdisciplinary field of inquiry and to seek innovative re=
search issues related to ethnic studies disciplines that critically ex=
amine the history, culture, politics, and experiences of the people of=
 Eurasia in an encounter with the American continent.<BR><BR>JASEP als=
o focuses on exploring American mind reflections in the people of Eura=
sian ancestry. Moreover, the journal centers on the reflections of the=
 history, culture, literature and politics of the United States in the=
 minds of Asian and European people. <BR><BR>The Journal of American S=
tudies: Eurasian Perspectives is an interdisciplinary platform that pu=
blishes articles representing a wide range of academic disciplines, in=
cluding sociology, history, political science, literature, cultural an=
d gender studies and promoting a variety of research methods.&nbsp; Th=
e double blind review process, the rich editorial board, zero toleranc=
e for plagiarism and high respect for publication ethics, as well as a=
 strong commitment towards scheduled publication are the key features =
of the Institute=E2=80=99s journals. The journal accepts online submis=
sions only. </P>
<P style=3D"TEXT-ALIGN: left">I<SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 9pt">f you wo=
uld like to discuss your paper prior to submission, or seek advice on =
the submission process please contact the Editorial Office, at the fol=
lowing email address:<FONT color=3D#3a9077><A style=3D"TEXT-DECORATION=
: none" href=3D"mailto:jasep@macroworldpub.com"><FONT color=3D#963467>=
 </FONT></A></FONT></SPAN><FONT color=3D#808080><B><FONT color=3D#9634=
67><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 9pt"><A style=3D"TEXT-DECORATION: none" h=
ref=3D"mailto:jasep@macroworldpub.com"><FONT color=3D#963467>jasep@mac=
<P style=3D"MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN-TOP: 0px"><SP=
AN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 9pt"><FONT color=3D#963467><B>Submission and Pu=
blication Information:</B></FONT><BR>Submission deadline:&nbsp;<B>Dece=
mber 20th, 2016</B><BR>Final manuscript submissions to publisher:&nbsp=
;<B>Feb, 2017</B></SPAN></P>
<P style=3D"MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN-TOP: 0px"><SP=
AN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 9pt">Submission to first decision:&nbsp; <B>3 w=
<P style=3D"MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN-TOP: 0px"><SP=
AN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 9pt">Submission to final decision:&nbsp;<B>6 we=
eks</B><BR>Number of papers:&nbsp;<B>7 to 10 papers</B></SPAN></P>
<P style=3D"MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN-TOP: 0px">&nb=
<P style=3D"MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN-TOP: 0px"><B>=
<FONT color=3D#963467><SPAN class=3Dst><EM>Early View</EM> (Online Ver=
sion of Record published before inclusion in an issue)</SPAN></FONT></=
<P style=3D"MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN-TOP: 0px">&nb=
<HR color=3D#c0c0c0 SIZE=3D1>

<P style=3D"TEXT-ALIGN: left"><FONT color=3D#0077a3><SPAN style=3D"TEX=
T-DECORATION: none"><FONT style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 9pt" color=3D#000080><A =
style=3D"TEXT-DECORATION: none" href=3D"https://www.macroworldpub.com/=
dergi_detay.php?dergi_id=3D56&amp;ic_sayfa=3Dcopyright_permissions" ta=
rget=3D_blank><B><FONT color=3D#963467>Submit Online</FONT></B><FONT c=
olor=3D#963467>&nbsp; </FONT><FONT color=3D#808080>&nbsp;I&nbsp;&nbsp;=
 </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#3a9077><A style=3D"TEXT-DECORATION: none" hr=
yfa=3Dcopyright_permissions" target=3D_blank><FONT color=3D#963467>Man=
uscript Submission</FONT></A></FONT></B></A><FONT color=3D#808080><A s=
tyle=3D"TEXT-DECORATION: none" href=3D"http://macroworldpub.com/dergi_=
detay.php?dergi_id=3D35&amp;ic_sayfa=3Dcopyright_permissions" target=3D=
_blank><FONT color=3D#963467>&nbsp;</FONT></A>&nbsp; I</FONT><A style=3D=
"TEXT-DECORATION: none" href=3D"https://www.macroworldpub.com/dergi_de=
tay.php?dergi_id=3D56&amp;ic_sayfa=3Dmanuscript_submission"><FONT colo=
r=3D#808080>&nbsp;&nbsp; </FONT><FONT color=3D#3a9077><B><A style=3D"T=
EXT-DECORATION: none" href=3D"http://macroworldpub.com/dergi_detay.php=
?dergi_id=3D35&amp;ic_sayfa=3Dmanuscript_submission"><FONT color=3D#96=
3467>Editorial Board</FONT></A></B></FONT></A><FONT color=3D#808080>&n=
bsp; I</FONT><A style=3D"TEXT-DECORATION: none" href=3D"https://www.ma=
<FONT color=3D#808080>&nbsp;</FONT></A></FONT></SPAN></FONT></P>
<HR color=3D#c0c0c0 SIZE=3D1>

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<P style=3D"MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN-TOP: 0px"><FONT color=3D#808080=
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<P style=3D"MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN-TOP: 0px"><FONT color=3D#808080=
 size=3D1><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 9pt">22 Kings Avenue Muswell Hill =
<P style=3D"MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN-TOP: 0px"><FONT color=3D#808080=
 size=3D1><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 9pt">London N10 1PB </SPAN></FONT>=
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<P style=3D"MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN-TOP: 0px"><FONT color=3D#808080=
 size=3D1><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 9pt">Middle East, Africa Office=
<P style=3D"MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN-TOP: 0px"><FONT color=3D#808080=
 size=3D1><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 9pt">Mansuroglu Mah. 273/4 Sk. </S=
<P style=3D"MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN-TOP: 0px"><FONT color=3D#808080=
 size=3D1><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 9pt">No:7/C 35535 Bayrakli Izmir <=
<P style=3D"MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN-TOP: 0px"><FONT color=3D#808080=
 size=3D1><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 9pt">Turkey</SPAN></FONT></P>
<P style=3D"MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN-TOP: 0px"><FONT color=3D#808080=
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<P align=3Dcenter><FONT style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 8pt"><FONT color=3D#909090=
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