[159620] in Hotline Meeting

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Fri Jun 22 22:28:17 2012

Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2012 20:30:28 -0400
To: "hotline@mit.edu" <hotline@mit.edu>
From: CATHALAC <cathalac@cathalac.org>
Reply-to: CATHALAC <cathalac@cathalac.org>
Message-ID: <b6387ce7bf1f43b6932c996c115b7cda@localhost.localdomain>
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(English below)=0A=0AMesoam=C3=A9rica mejora capacidad para pronosticar des=
lizamientos=0A=0AEl Centro del Agua del Tr=C3=B3pico H=C3=BAmedo para Ameri=
ca Latina y el Caribe  (CATHALAC) ha desarrollado una herramienta automatiz=
ada, en l=C3=ADnea para la predicci=C3=B3n de las amenazas en Mesoamerica, =
un esfuerzo =C3=BAnico a nivel regional. =E2=80=9CEsta herramienta de alert=
a temprana proveer=C3=A1 informaci=C3=B3n sobre las =C3=A1reas posiblemente=
 afectadas por deslizamientos,=E2=80=9D coment=C3=B3 Emilio Sempris, el Dir=
ector de CATHALAC. El desarrollo de esta herramienta se hizo tomando en cue=
nta que la regi=C3=B3n Mesoamericana cada vez es m=C3=A1s vulnerable ante e=
ventos meteorol=C3=B3gicos extremos, que causan inundaciones y deslizamient=
os a gran escala.=0ALa predicci=C3=B3n de amenazas utiliza la metodolog=C3=
=ADa reconocida de Mora-Vahrson, para estimar las amenazas de deslizamiento=
s a un nivel de detalle de 1 kil=C3=B3metro cuadrado. Los productos se actu=
alizan cada d=C3=ADa, indicando las posibles =C3=A1reas que podr=C3=A1n ser=
 afectadas por deslizamientos para una ventana de tiempo de 24 horas en el =
futuro. Se estima las amenazas en t=C3=A9rminos de =E2=80=98muy bajo,=E2=80=
=99 =E2=80=98bajo,=E2=80=99 =E2=80=98mediano,=E2=80=99 =E2=80=98moderado,=
=E2=80=99 =E2=80=98alto,=E2=80=99 y =E2=80=98muy alto.=E2=80=99 Esta comple=
ja modelaci=C3=B3n  utiliza una combinaci=C3=B3n de datos sobre la litolog=
=C3=ADa, la humedad del suelo,   pendiente y pron=C3=B3sticos de tiempo  en=
 este caso precipitaci=C3=B3n acumulada que CATHALAC genera diariamente a t=
rav=C3=A9s del modelo mesoscale PSU/NCAR, el MM5. Despu=C3=A9s de esta fase=
 inicial, CATHALAC desarrollar=C3=A1 =0A=0AThe hazard prediction uses the M=
ora-Vahrson methodology to determine landslide hazards at the level of deta=
il of 1 square km. Updating itself each day, the tool indicates the potenti=
al for landslide hazards over each 24 hour window into the future, grading =
such potential into =E2=80=98very low,=E2=80=99 =E2=80=98low,=E2=80=99 =E2=
=80=98medium,=E2=80=99 =E2=80=98moderate,=E2=80=99 =E2=80=98high,=E2=80=99 =
and =E2=80=98very high.=E2=80=99 The complex modeling behind the landslide =
hazard prediction uses a combination of data on lithology, soil moisture, a=
nd topographic slope, along with the rainfall forecasts that CATHALAC gener=
ates daily using the PSU/NCAR mesoscale model, MM5. Following the initial i=
mplementation phase, CATHALAC will be adding enhanced functionality to the =
tool. The tool was also based on a prototype developed earlier, in late 201=
0 for Honduras and Nicaragua, in the context of the Mesoamerican Regional V=
isualization & Monitoring System (SERVIR, see http://www.servir.net), joint=
ly implemented with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), =
NASA, and other partners.=0A=0ACATHALAC=E2=80=99s development of the tool f=
ollows on the footsteps of the Center=E2=80=99s involvement in climatologic=
, environmental, and geo-physical modeling over the past decade and dovetai=
ls with CATHALAC=E2=80=99s mission of promoting sustainable development in =
Latin America & the Caribbean through applied research & development, educa=
tion, and technology transfer. In addition to implementing SERVIR in Mesoam=
erica since 2005, CATHALAC has also served since 2010 as a Regional Support=
 Office (RSO) of the United Nations Platform for Space-based Information fo=
r Disaster and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER). Under the mandate of the 200=
9 Presidential Summit of the Tuxla Mechanism, the Center has also been impl=
ementing the Mesoamerican Territorial Information System (SMIT) platform fo=
r disaster risk reduction, in the context of the Proyecto Mesoamerica initi=
ative. The landslide hazard modeling depends heavily on earth observation d=
ata, and CATHALAC has likewise served as a participating organization in th=
e inter-governmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO) since 2007.=0A=0AFor=
 more information about CATHALAC, please visit http://www.cathalac.org. The=
 landslide hazard prediction tool can be accessed through CATHALAC=E2=80=99=
s Geo-Viewer at: http://portalgis.cathalac.org/cathalac/maps/ (under the =
=E2=80=98Actualidad=E2=80=99 menu item). A version for Google Earth is also=
 available via: http://portalgis.cathalac.org/cathalac/maps/Amenaza_desliza=
mientos.kmz (which can also be downloaded from the Geo-Viewer).=0A

Content-Type: text/html; charset = "utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.=
w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">=0A<head>=0A<meta http-equiv=
=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dutf-8" />=0A<title>Untitl=
ed Document</title>=0A<html>=0A</head>=0A=0A<body>=0A<p>(English below)</p>=
=0A<p><strong>Mesoam&eacute;rica mejora capacidad para pronosticar deslizam=
ientos</strong></p>=0A<p>El <a href=3D"http://www.cathalac.org/contactoweb/=
tl.php?p=3Dsx/sq/rs/873/rv/rs/CATHALAC/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cathalac.org%2F" ti=
tle=3D"CATHALAC">Centro del Agua del Tr&oacute;pico H&uacute;medo para Amer=
ica Latina y el Caribe&nbsp; (CATHALAC)</a>&nbsp;ha desarrollado una herram=
ienta automatizada, en l&iacute;nea para la predicci&oacute;n de las amenaz=
as en Mesoamerica, un esfuerzo &uacute;nico a nivel regional. &ldquo;Esta h=
erramienta de alerta temprana proveer&aacute; informaci&oacute;n sobre las =
&aacute;reas posiblemente afectadas por deslizamientos,&rdquo; coment&oacut=
e; Emilio Sempris, el Director de CATHALAC. El desarrollo de esta herramien=
ta se hizo tomando en cuenta que la regi&oacute;n Mesoamericana cada vez es=
 m&aacute;s vulnerable ante eventos meteorol&oacute;gicos extremos, que cau=
san inundaciones y deslizamientos a gran escala.</p>=0A<p><img src=3D"http:=
esliz2.jpg" alt=3D"" width=3D"940" height=3D"620" border=3D"0" /></p>=0A<p>=
<strong><em>Herramienta de pron&oacute;sticos de amenazas por deslizamiento=
s en Mesoam&eacute;rica (GeoVisor de CATHALAC)</em></strong></p>=0A<p>La pr=
edicci&oacute;n de amenazas utiliza la metodolog&iacute;a reconocida de Mor=
a-Vahrson, para estimar las amenazas de deslizamientos a un nivel de detall=
e de 1 kil&oacute;metro cuadrado. Los productos se actualizan cada d&iacute=
;a, indicando las posibles &aacute;reas que podr&aacute;n ser afectadas por=
 deslizamientos para una ventana de tiempo de 24 horas en el futuro. Se est=
ima las amenazas en t&eacute;rminos de &lsquo;muy bajo,&rsquo; &lsquo;bajo,=
&rsquo; &lsquo;mediano,&rsquo; &lsquo;moderado,&rsquo; &lsquo;alto,&rsquo; =
y &lsquo;muy alto.&rsquo; Esta compleja modelaci&oacute;n&nbsp; utiliza una=
 combinaci&oacute;n de datos sobre la litolog&iacute;a, la humedad del suel=
o,&nbsp;&nbsp; pendiente y pron&oacute;sticos de tiempo&nbsp; en este caso =
precipitaci&oacute;n acumulada que CATHALAC genera diariamente a trav&eacut=
e;s del modelo mesoscale PSU/NCAR, el MM5. Despu&eacute;s de esta fase inic=
ial, CATHALAC desarrollar&aacute; m&aacute;s aplicaciones para mejorar la f=
uncionalidad de la&nbsp; herramienta. La herramienta fue basada en un proto=
tipo desarrollado en el final del 2010 para Honduras y Nicaragua, en el con=
texto del Sistema Regional de Visualizaci&oacute;n y Monitoreo para Mesoame=
rica (SERVIR, vea: <a href=3D"http://www.cathalac.org/contactoweb/tl.php?p=
 implementado conjunto con la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarro=
llo Internacional (USAID), NASA, y otros socios.</p>=0A<p>El desarrollo de =
la herramienta por CATHALAC sigue en un lineamiento de modelaci&oacute;n cl=
imatol&oacute;gica, ambiental, y geof&iacute;sica que CATHALAC ha estado tr=
abajando en la &uacute;ltima d&eacute;cada, y cumple con la misi&oacute;n d=
el Centro de promover el desarrollo sostenible en America Latina y el Carib=
e a trav&eacute;s de la investigaci&oacute;n aplicada y el desarrollo, la e=
ducaci&oacute;n, y la transferencia de tecnolog&iacute;a. A dem&aacute;s de=
 implementar SERVIR en Mesoamerica desde el 2005, CATHALAC ha servido desde=
 el 2010 como una Oficina Regional de Apoyo de la Plataforma de las Nacione=
s Unidas de informaci&oacute;n obtenida desde el espacio para la gesti&oacu=
te;n de desastres y la respuesta de emergencia (UN-SPIDER, en ingles). Bajo=
 el mandato del Cumbre Presidencial del Mecanismo Tuxla del 2009, el Centro=
 tambi&eacute;n ha estado implementando el <a href=3D"http://www.cathalac.o=
c.org%2Fdemo%2F" title=3D"SMIT">Sistema Mesoamericano de Informaci&oacute;n=
 Territorial (SMIT)</a> para la reducci&oacute;n de riesgos de desastres, e=
n el contexto del Proyecto Mesoamerica. La modelaci&oacute;n de amenazas de=
 deslizamientos depende mucho en datos de observaci&oacute;n de la tierra, =
en este sentido tambi&eacute;n CATHALAC es una organizaci&oacute;n particip=
ante del Grupo de Observaci&oacute;n de la Tierra (GEO, en ingles), desde e=
l 2007.</p>=0A<p>Para m&aacute;s informaci&oacute;n sobre CATHALAC, por fav=
or visita a: <a href=3D"http://www.cathalac.org/contactoweb/tl.php?p=3Dsx/s=
/a>. &nbsp;La herramienta para predicci&oacute;n de amenazas de deslizamien=
tos se puede accesar desde el GeoVisor de CATHALAC en: <a href=3D"http://ww=
alac/maps/</a>&nbsp;(bajo el men&uacute; de &lsquo;Actualidad&rsquo;). Una =
versi&oacute;n para Google Earth tambi&eacute;n est&aacute; disponible en:<=
a href=3D"http://www.cathalac.org/contactoweb/tl.php?p=3Dsx/sq/rs/873/rv/rs=
os.kmz</a> (el cual tambi&eacute;n se puede descargar directamente desde el=
 visor).</p>=0A<p>&nbsp;</p>=0A<p>=3D =3D =3D =3D<br /> <strong>Regional la=
ndslide risk prediction tool developed for Mesoamerica</strong></p>=0A<p>Th=
e&nbsp;<a href=3D"http://www.cathalac.org/contactoweb/tl.php?p=3Dsx/sq/rs/8=
73/rv/rs/CATHALAC/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cathalac.org%2F" title=3D"CATHALAC">Wate=
r Center for the Humid Tropics of Latin America and the Caribbean (CATHALAC=
)</a>&nbsp;has recently developed an automated, online tool for predicting =
landslide hazards in Mesoamerica, a first of its kind effort at the regiona=
l level. &ldquo;he tool will provide early warning for landslide events in =
Mesoamerica, potentially minimizing the loss of life and property,&rdquo; c=
ommented Emilio Sempris, CATHALAC&rsquo;s Director. Mesoamerica is highly v=
ulnerable to extreme meteorological events, and to the flooding, and landsl=
ides that such events trigger.</p>=0A<p><img src=3D"http://www.cathalac.org=
/images/es/noticias/ultimas_noticias/junio2012/geovisor_desliz2.jpg" alt=3D=
"" width=3D"940" height=3D"620" border=3D"0" /></p>=0A<p><strong><em>Decisi=
on-makers in Mesoamerica can now count on this first of its kind tool for p=
redicting landslide hazards</em></strong></p>=0A<p>The hazard prediction us=
es the Mora-Vahrson methodology to determine landslide hazards at the level=
 of detail of 1 square km. Updating itself each day, the tool indicates the=
 potential for landslide hazards over each 24 hour window into the future, =
grading such potential into &lsquo;very low,&rsquo; &lsquo;low,&rsquo; &lsq=
uo;medium,&rsquo; &lsquo;moderate,&rsquo; &lsquo;high,&rsquo; and &lsquo;ve=
ry high.&rsquo; The complex modeling behind the landslide hazard prediction=
 uses a combination of data on lithology, soil moisture, and topographic sl=
ope, along with the rainfall forecasts that CATHALAC generates daily using =
the PSU/NCAR mesoscale model, MM5. Following the initial implementation pha=
se, CATHALAC will be adding enhanced functionality to the tool. The tool wa=
s also based on a prototype developed earlier, in late 2010 for Honduras an=
d Nicaragua, in the context of the Mesoamerican Regional Visualization &amp=
; Monitoring System (SERVIR, see&nbsp;<a href=3D"http://www.cathalac.org/co=
tp://www.servir.net</a>), jointly implemented with the U.S. Agency for Inte=
rnational Development (USAID), NASA, and other partners.</p>=0A<p>CATHALAC&=
rsquo;s development of the tool follows on the footsteps of the Center&rsqu=
o;s involvement in climatologic, environmental, and geo-physical modeling o=
ver the past decade and dovetails with CATHALAC&rsquo;s mission of promotin=
g sustainable development in Latin America &amp; the Caribbean through appl=
ied research &amp; development, education, and technology transfer. In addi=
tion to implementing SERVIR in Mesoamerica since 2005, CATHALAC has also se=
rved since 2010 as a Regional Support Office (RSO) of the United Nations Pl=
atform for Space-based Information for Disaster and Emergency Response (UN-=
SPIDER). Under the mandate of the 2009 Presidential Summit of the Tuxla Mec=
hanism, the Center has also been implementing the <a href=3D"http://www.cat=
cathalac.org%2Fdemo%2F" title=3D"SMIT">Mesoamerican Territorial Information=
 System (SMIT)</a>&nbsp;platform for disaster risk reduction, in the contex=
t of the Proyecto Mesoamerica initiative. The landslide hazard modeling dep=
ends heavily on earth observation data, and CATHALAC has likewise served as=
 a participating organization in the inter-governmental Group on Earth Obse=
rvations (GEO) since 2007.</p>=0A<p>For more information about CATHALAC, pl=
ease visit&nbsp;<a href=3D"http://www.cathalac.org/contactoweb/tl.php?p=3Ds=
g</a>. The landslide hazard prediction tool can be accessed through CATHALA=
C&rsquo;s Geo-Viewer at:&nbsp;<a href=3D"http://www.cathalac.org/contactowe=
r the &lsquo;Actualidad&rsquo; menu item). A version for Google Earth is al=
so available via: <a href=3D"http://www.cathalac.org/contactoweb/tl.php?p=
/Amenaza_deslizamientos.kmz</a> (which can also be downloaded from the Geo-=
Viewer).</p>=0A<p><a href=3D"http://www.cathalac.org/contactoweb/wb.php?p=
=3Dsx/sq/rs/873/rv/rs">Click here open this email on your web browser</a></=
p>=0A<p><a href=3D"http://www.cathalac.org/contactoweb/f.php?p=3Dsx/sq/rs/8=
73/rv/rs">Click here to forward this email to a friend</a></p>=0A<p><a href=
halac.org%252Fcontactoweb%252Flink.php%253Fp%253Dt2">Twitter Share Link</a>=
</p>=0A<p><a href=3D"http://www.cathalac.org/contactoweb/tl.php?p=3Dsx/sq/r=
ction%2520tool%2520developed%2520for%2520Mesoamerica">Facebook Like Link</a=
></p>=0A<p></p>=0A<p></p>=0A<p>T<span class=3D"abajo">his message, includin=
g any attachments here to, may contain privileged and/or confidential infor=
mation and is intended solely for the attention and use of the intended add=
ressee(s). If you are not the intended addressee, you may neither use, copy=
, nor deliver to anyone this message or any of its attachments. In such cas=
e, you should immediately destroy this message and its attachments and kind=
ly notify the sender by reply mail. Unless made by a person with actualauth=
ority conferred by the Water Center for the Humid Tropics of Latin America =
and the Caribbean (CATHALAC), the information and statements herein do not =
constitute a binding commitment or warranty by CATHALAC. Therefore, CATHALA=
C assumes no responsibility for any misperceptions, errors or misunderstand=
ings. You are urged to verify any information that is confusing and report =
any errors/concerns to us in writing. If you don&rsquo;t want to receive an=
y more emails from our website please unsubscribe copy and <a href=3D"http:=
//www.cathalac.org/contactoweb/u.php?p=3Dsx/rs/873/rv/sq/rs">Click here to =
unsubscribe</a>paste thiws link or press</span></p>=0A=0A<img src=3D"http:/=
/www.cathalac.org/contactoweb/to.php?p=3Dsx/sq/rs/873/rv/rs" width=3D"5" he=
ight=3D"2" alt=3D".">=0A=0A</body>=0A</html>


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