[66479] in Cypherpunks
RE: your mail
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (William Clinton)
Wed Sep 25 16:31:16 1996
From: billc@true.com (William Clinton)
To: Robert Steele <ceo@oss.net>
Cc: "Betty G. O'Hearn" <betty@infowar.com>,
"news_from_wschwartau@infowar.com" <news_from_wschwartau@infowar.com>,
Winn Schwartau <winn@infowar.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 15:32:44 -0400
Likewise, please remove info@truecom from this list.
From: Andrew Kantor[SMTP:ak@mecklermedia.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 1996 2:58 PM
To: John Norseen; Craig; Robert Steele
Cc: news_from_wschwartau@infowar.com; Betty G. O'Hearn; Winn Schwartau
Subject: Re: your mail
I'm not sure what this list is or why I'm on it, but would whoever runs
this thing please remove me or send removal instructions. Thanks.
Andrew Kantor ak@iw.com
Senior Editor, Internet World http://www.iw.com
Otherwise, no one of consequence. http://www.kantor.com
"Don't argue with the man who buys ink by the barrel."