[4] in Commercialization & Privatization of the Internet

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This guy is serious ( I assume) . The misinformation is impressive -- from comp.misc

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (David J. Farber)
Sun Oct 14 08:19:55 1990

Date: Sun, 14 Oct 90 05:41:59 EDT
From: farber@central.cis.upenn.edu (David J. Farber)
To: com-priv@psi.com

Begin forwarded message:

Received-Date: Sun, 14 Oct 90 05:36:23 EDT
Posted-Date: 14 Oct 90 05:57:39 GMT
>From: pefsnsr@jupiter.nmt.edu (Paul Ford)
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers,comp.misc
Subject: Internet: The origins
Date: 14 Oct 90 05:57:39 GMT
Distribution: na
Organization: Society For A Saner Hamlet
Lines: 24
Xref: netnews.upenn.edu alt.folklore.computers:6105 comp.misc:10742
Apparently-To: farber@pcpond

	I was wondering if any knowledgeable person out there could  
inform me about a couple of things:

	(1) when was Internet created and by whom?


	(2) what was the oiginal intended purpose of the network?

	The reason I ask is that I recently read that the  
administration of Internet was going to be taken over by IBM and  
another company who's name I forget at the moment.  I beleive that  
this adminstrative change was due to some investigations, by the  
Houston Chronicle, into the misuse of Internet. BTW, does anyone know  
whether this is true or not?


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