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Re: Nmap network auditing/exploring tool V. 2.00 released

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Lamont Granquist)
Wed Dec 23 01:45:29 1998

Date: 	Tue, 22 Dec 1998 13:40:45 -0800
Reply-To: Bugtraq List <BUGTRAQ@NETSPACE.ORG>
From: Lamont Granquist <lamontg@RAVEN.GENOME.WASHINGTON.EDU>
In-Reply-To:  <19981222122756.504.qmail@tarjan.mediaways.net>

Another nmap-induced denial-of-service is against many machines inetd's
when doing a TCP connect() scan (-sT) with the result of killing the inetd
process.  I've found that Digital Unix and Irix have been vulnerable to
this.  I cannot reliably reproduce the problem[*] and have not tested it
against xinetd.

The work-around for the nmap user is to never use connect() scans, and to
explicitly use -sS (or one of the other stealth scans) in conjunction with
-O.  There is no workaround for the system admin of the scanned system
that I know of, other than automated monitoring for crashed inetds (I'd
probably use netcat connecting to an inetd service like TCP daytime in a
loop with appropriate logic and an appropriate response action...).

[*] I have confirmed that it happens in response to a connect() scan and
    not any other TCP scan type and that it sometimes occurs immediately
    following a connect() scan when the inetd had been verified
    immediately previously to be running fine.

On Tue, 22 Dec 1998, Olaf Selke wrote:
> According to Sherwood Botsford:
> >
> > On Tue, 15 Dec 1998, Fyodor wrote:
> >
> > = I have just released version 2.00 of nmap, a program for network
> > = security auditing and general Internet exploration.  Almost all of the
> > = core code has been rewritten for better performance and accuracy, and
> > = many new features have been added.  Here are some of its current
> > = capabilities:
> >
> > Hi.  Any idea why most of my hosts running HPUX 10.10 crashed
> > during a local network scan with
> > nmap -O
> I reproducible crashed Cisco routers running IOS version 12.0(1)
> with nmap -sU.
> Olaf
> --
> Olaf Selke, olaf.selke@mediaways.net, voice +49 5241 80-7069

Lamont Granquist                       lamontg@raven.genome.washington.edu
Dept. of Molecular Biotechnology       (206)616-5735  fax: (206)685-7344
Box 352145 / University of Washington / Seattle, WA 98195
PGP pubkey: finger lamontg@raven.genome.washington.edu | pgp -fka

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