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Re: bootpd remote vulnerability

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Irwin Tillman)
Fri Dec 4 17:35:28 1998

Date: 	Fri, 4 Dec 1998 15:50:52 -0500
Reply-To: Bugtraq List <BUGTRAQ@NETSPACE.ORG>
From: Irwin Tillman <irwin@PHOENIX.PRINCETON.EDU>
In-Reply-To:  Message from John McDonald <jmcdonal@UNF.EDU> dated "Fri, 04 Dec
              1998 10:45:40 EST."

John McDonald <jmcdonal@UNF.EDU> wrote:

>I've discovered a remote buffer overflow in the bootpd daemon that, to
>my knowledge, is distributed with most linuxs and bsds.
>I have not attempted to determine if Solaris, Irix, Digital Unix, or any
>other OS's are vulnerable.
>The problem is that we can specify a htype that is past the end of the
>hwinfolist table.

Unpatched CMU dhcpd 3.3.7 (which traces its roots to the old bootpd)
was also vulnerable.  Princeton patch 6 (the most recent patch, released
July 1998) fixed it.

The PU patches are at http://www.princeton.edu/~irwin/dhcpd.html.


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