[8667] in bugtraq
Re: Remote Tools w/Exceed v. fer 95
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Shaw, Daniel J.)
Thu Dec 3 13:52:49 1998
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 11:53:10 -0600
Reply-To: Bugtraq List <BUGTRAQ@NETSPACE.ORG>
From: "Shaw, Daniel J." <djshaw@SOUTHERNCO.COM>
I don't see this file in Exceed 6.1 for NT. Do you have logging enabled?
The only file I saw was the hclmrul.ini file in
c:\(installdir)\(installuser) directory which contains the following:
Host 0=myhostname
Host 0=myusername
Host 0=mycommand
Host 1=mycommand
There is a logging enable/disable function under XConfig. However, I'm not
sure (and I doubt) it would affect the Remote Tools.
Danny Shaw
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sparks, Michael ME [SMTP:Sparks.Michael.ME@BHP.COM.AU]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 1998 9:57 AM
> To: BUGTRAQ@netspace.org
> Subject: Remote Tools w/Exceed v. fer 95
> Hello All,
> I was just looking through my root directory and noticed a file
> called test.log. This file contains the machine name, username, and
> password all in clear text for the machine that you are rexec'ing to.
> Ex:
> ========================================================================
> ========================================================================
> Socket Success: Family = 2, Type = 1, Protocol = 0, New Socket = 20
> IoctlSocket Success: Socket = 20, Cmd = 8004667E, Arg = 1
> Bind Success: Socket = 20, Addr =,631
> Connect Error: Socket = 20, Addr = ??.??.??.??,512, Error = 10035
> Send Success: Socket = 20, Flags = 0, Sent 1 of 1
> 00 .
> Send Success: Socket = 20, Flags = 0, Sent 14 of 14
> 74 68 69 73 69 73 6D 79 6C 6F 67 69 6E 00 thisismylogin.
> Send Success: Socket = 20, Flags = 0, Sent 17 of 17
> 74 68 69 73 69 73 6D 79 70 61 73 73 77 6F 72 64 thisismypassword
> 00 .
> Send Success: Socket = 20, Flags = 0, Sent 3 of 3
> 6C 73 00 ls.
> Recv Success: Socket = 20, Flags = 0, Len = 19
> 01 70 61 73 73 77 6F 72 64 20 74 6F 6F 20 6C 6F .password too lo
> 6E 67 0A ng.
> Recv Success: Socket = 20, Flags = 0, Len = 0
> Close Success: Socket = 20
> ========================================================================
> I don't know if anyone uses rtools but if you do and user rexec just
> beware.
> I was able to disable this by echo "" > c:\test.log ; attrib +r
> c:\test.log.
> I apoligize if this is known and or not in the apropriate context
> of
> this list.
> Michael Sparks
> sparks.michael.me@bhp.com.au
> Systems Administrator
> "Tis most impossible to remove a misunderstanding." A.