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new hijack software: hunt-1.0

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Pavel Krauz)
Tue Dec 1 12:11:49 1998

Date: 	Tue, 1 Dec 1998 10:24:42 +0100
Reply-To: Bugtraq List <BUGTRAQ@NETSPACE.ORG>
From: Pavel Krauz <kra@CRI.CZ>

Hi all

I would like to announce new Linux software for intruding into a
It has several features which I didn't find in any free available
You can download it from


with regards
kra <kra@cri.cz>

from README:
- connection management
        * setting what connections you are interested in
        * detecting an ongoing connection (not only SYN started)
        * Normal active hijacking with the detection of the ACK storm
        * ARP spoofed/Normal hijacking with the detection of successful
          ARP spoof
        * synchronization of the true client with the server after
          hijacking (so that the connection don't have to be reset)
        * resetting connection
        * watching connection

- daemons
        * reset daemon for automatic connection resetting
        * arp spoof/relayer daemon for arp spoofing of hosts with the
          to relay all packets from spoofed hosts.
        * MAC discovery daemon for collecting MAC addresses
        * sniff daemon for logging TCP traffic with the ability to
search for
          a particular string

- host resolving
        * deferred host resolving through dedicated DNS helper servers.

- packet engine
        * extensible packet engine for watching TCP, UDP, ICMP and ARP
        * collecting TCP connections with sequence numbers and the ACK
- misc.
        * determining which hosts are up

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