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Re: Java Redirect Bug - Netscpape 4.0[678] and 4.5

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Sander Goudswaard)
Mon Nov 30 12:21:40 1998

Date: 	Mon, 30 Nov 1998 15:05:55 +0100
Reply-To: Bugtraq List <BUGTRAQ@NETSPACE.ORG>
From: Sander Goudswaard <sander@WEBSTAT.WAU.NL>

Keith Woodard <Keith.D.Woodard@BOS.FRB.ORG> wrote on Fri, 27 Nov 1998
15:44:22 -0500:
>A bug in the JVM implementation was discovered by Ben Mesander back when
>4.01 was the latest Communicator version. The bug subsequently fixed by
>Netscape and was not successful in versions from 4.02 up to and
>including 4.05. The bug appears to work again in versions 4.06, 4.07,
>4.08 and 4.5. Ben's original web site is still operational where the
>source and a demonstration may be found:
>I reported this to Netscape over a week ago.

StarOffice 5.0, released last week for the Windows platform, also has the
bug. It uses Sun's Javasoft JRE libraries v1.1.6.

Sander Goudswaard

Sander Goudswaard, mailto:sander@webstat.wau.nl
Wageningen University, Dept. of Information Management & Datacom,
the Netherlands, phone: +31 317 484053, fax: +31 317 482970
www: http://sander.sander.com/

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