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nftp vulnerability (fwd)

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Eric Wanner)
Mon Nov 16 23:58:07 1998

Date: 	Mon, 16 Nov 1998 18:02:43 -0700
Reply-To: Eric Wanner <ericw@FUTUREONE.COM>
From: Eric Wanner <ericw@FUTUREONE.COM>

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nftp is a shareware ftp program available at
ftp://crydee.sai.msu.su/pub/comp/software/asv/nftp/ that is
becoming more and more widely used.

Cause: nftp incorrectly handles strings returned by the server.

Tested: tested on version 1.40 linux-libc5 by sending 220 and 4400 X's
followed by a \n (didn't work without the \n because it didn't get
processed).  4400 was a random number, it has nothing to do with the
exploitability of this program.

Vulnerability: It appears to be an internal buffer that is being
overfilled, but I do not have the source code, so I cannot tell.  If it is
an internal buffer, it may be possible to execute arbitrary code on the
connecting computer, but they have to connect to the server, and they must
be running this ftp proram.

Fix: I do not have the source code so I can't create a patch =).

It seems that too much trust is being put on the servers these days.

I have included a sample crash.  Put it in your inetd if you want to see
for yourself.

Creator Notified: The creator was notified shortly before sending this

Fix available: not yet.


Eric Wanner
Head Systems Administrator
FutureOne, Inc.
EfNet: holobyte
Personal Email: holobyte@holobyte.org

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