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Re: Xinetd /tmp race?

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (stanislav shalunov)
Sat Nov 14 14:39:19 1998

Date: 	Sat, 14 Nov 1998 01:13:57 +0300
Reply-To: stanislav shalunov <shalunov@MCCME.RU>
From: stanislav shalunov <shalunov@MCCME.RU>
X-To:         Marc Heuse <marc@SUSE.DE>
In-Reply-To:  Marc Heuse's message of Fri, 13 Nov 1998 09:09:06 +0100

Marc Heuse <marc@SUSE.DE> writes:

> It's hard to secure a create-or-append open call, anyone with an
> idea for a standard solution?

You have missed a word in this sentence: ``It's _not_ hard...''

Translating this pseudocode to documented C is left as an exercise to
the reader.  Notice that you cannot unlink instead of move_file (why?)

The chunk of code you inserted would read:

ok = false
while not ok
        lstat the file
        if file doesn't exist
                open the file O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL
                if open failed
                        complain loudly
                        call move_file
                        ok = true
                open the file O_WRONLY|O_APPEND
                fstat the fd
                if inode number is not the same
                        complain very loundly
                        close file
                        ok = true;

The procedure move_file:

ok = false
while not ok
        rename the file to the generated file name
        if rename failed
                complain loudly
                ok = true

> [This patch leave xinetd vulnerable if /tmp is not sticky, so it's
> not 100% without changing the design or location of how the dump
> should be done.

The solution above does not rely on /tmp being sticky.

> But a system without a sticky /tmp is a problem anyway]

Following this logic you can come to nonsense.

Stanislav Shalunov      System Administrator, MCCME (http://www.mccme.ru/)
Hiroshima 45--Chernobyl' 86--Windows 95   |   Spam?  http://www.cauce.org/

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