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Re: Gandalf xpresstack bug

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Eric Kimminau)
Fri Nov 13 16:08:33 1998

Date: 	Fri, 13 Nov 1998 13:58:21 -0500
Reply-To: kimminau@coast.net
From: Eric Kimminau <root@DNS.KIMMINAU.ORG>
X-To:         Steve Kosciolek <steve@EI.ORG>

Steve Kosciolek wrote:
> I just came upon a major bug in the gandalf xpresstack BRI.  Unfornately,
> I can't delve any more deeply into it, since anytime I do, I crash it, and
> its our only one.
> The xpresstack has been running firmware version 3.0.3 just fine, and
> being connected to by Gandalf lanline 5242i edge routers running either
> version 2.2.2 or version 2.3.0 code.  Those code versions are still very
> stable.
> I just upgraded one of the routers to version 2.5.4, and whenever I
> connect to the xpresstack, it crashes with a hardware failure.  Once I
> reboot it, i can connect with the older firmware fine, but the whenever
> the newer firmware tries to connect, the concentrator goes down.
> I've contacted gandalf about this, and i'll forward any solutions they
> come up with.
>    Steve Kosciolek

Known problem with incompatible compression algo's. Upgrade all your
5242's to the latest firmware and the problem goes away.

Eric Kimminau   eric@kimminau.org   "I speak my mind and no one
  "I am the downhill tumble and roll champ, king of the toad finders,
  captain of the high altitude tree branch vista club, second place
  finisher in the round the yard backward dash, premier burper state
  division, sodbuster and worm scout first order, and generalissimo
  of the mud and mayhem society."                        Calvin, 1995

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