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Re: NT DNS hacked ... ?

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (John Fraizer)
Fri Nov 13 15:23:17 1998

Date: 	Thu, 12 Nov 1998 14:50:36 -0500
Reply-To: John Fraizer <John.Fraizer@ENTERZONE.NET>
From: John Fraizer <John.Fraizer@ENTERZONE.NET>
X-To:         "Sam R. Akhtar" <srakhtar@IBISNET.NET>

You weren't hacked.  It was NetSol/InterNIC showing us just how lame they
are again by corrupting root servers.


At 11:47 AM 11/11/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Anyone running MS's DNS notice, overnite or so, their cache files
>(specifically the root name servers) replaced with a handful of entries for
>allegro.net ... ?
>Sam Akhtar
John Fraizer                      |    __   _
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