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Re: Check system calls (was Re: Several new CGI vulnerabilities)

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Chip Salzenberg)
Thu Nov 12 16:03:30 1998

Date: 	Wed, 11 Nov 1998 12:00:08 -0500
Reply-To: Chip Salzenberg <chip@PERLSUPPORT.COM>
From: Chip Salzenberg <chip@PERLSUPPORT.COM>
X-To:         lstein@cshl.org
In-Reply-To:  <199811111607.LAA26192@formaggio.cshl.org>; from Lincoln Stein on
              Wed, Nov 11, 1998 at 11:07:48AM -0500

According to Lincoln Stein:
> Chip Salzenberg writes:
>  > According to Lincoln Stein:
>  > > And here's a general Perl technique for opening pipes without getting
>  > > the shell involved at all:
>  > >
>  > >    open (MAIL,"|-") || exec '/usr/lib/sendmail','-t','-oi';
>  > >    print MAIL <<END;
>  >
>  > Lincoln knows this, but for the less-experienced, I suggest it's not a
>  > good idea to let the fork and the exec go unchecked:
> I know it, but I don't usually do it.  The worst that can happen is
> that no mail goes out -- correct me if I'm wrong.

Sorry, but: If the fork succeeds and the exec fails, then you end up
with the parent and the child both executing the rest of the program.
Usually this is considered a bug.  :-/
Chip Salzenberg        - a.k.a. -        <chip@perlsupport.com>
      "There -- we made them swerve slightly!"   //MST3K

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