[8514] in bugtraq
Citadel security exploits?
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Stout, Bill)
Thu Nov 12 15:11:16 1998
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 13:20:29 -0500
Reply-To: "Stout, Bill" <StoutB@PIOS.COM>
From: "Stout, Bill" <StoutB@PIOS.COM>
Are there any known weaknesses/exploits for Citadel WinShield or FolderBolt?
These run on W95 & NT.
I can't imagine an add-on (FolderBolt) would give W95 "Ironclad data
security", or that WinShield enables "...service bureaus,..can share their
machines without the fear of damage, corruption or theft". And just what is
'Quick Crypt' and 'Lightening Crypt'?
Bill Stout