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Re: world-readable shadow backups in SuSe 5.2

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Andrew Pitman)
Thu Nov 12 12:39:00 1998

Date: 	Wed, 11 Nov 1998 15:06:16 -0500
Reply-To: Andrew Pitman <ap1@TORCH.ROWAN.EDU>
From: Andrew Pitman <ap1@TORCH.ROWAN.EDU>
X-To:         HD Moore <hdmoore@USA.NET>
In-Reply-To:  <000c01be0cd0$24d014a0$0100a8c0@entropy>

AFAIK, RedHat does the right thing.

  "The best thing about standards is that there are so many
   to choose from."
  Andrew Pitman                           MIS
  Unix System Administrator               Rowan University

On Tue, 10 Nov 1998, HD Moore wrote:

> <( problem )>
> The _first_ set of shadow backups created on SuSe 5.2 are world readable.
> This includes '/etc/shadow-' and the original root pass in
> '/etc/shadow.orig'.  I duplicated this on 3 different systems where I had
> just installed SuSe 5.2 with shadowed passwd support.
> <( fix )>
> The way to fix repair is to just delete all the backup copies and when they
> are re-created they have the right permissions.
> <( conclusion )>
> Is this an isolated incident with SuSe, or is it a problem inherent to
> shadow?  I know this isn't the first case I've seen default shadow backups
> being world readable (or shadow.tmp's on SunOs).  Could some other package
> be responsible for changing permissions on these?

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