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Xinetd /tmp race?

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Balazs Nagy)
Wed Nov 11 13:39:44 1998

Date: 	Wed, 11 Nov 1998 03:28:03 +0100
Reply-To: Balazs Nagy <julian7@KVA.HU>
From: Balazs Nagy <julian7@KVA.HU>


If you send SIGHUP to xinetd, you get a dump file to /tmp/xinetd.dump, but
this method isn't checked against /tmp, and it happily overwrites anything
in the place of that file.  The package has been released in 1997, IMHO this
is too old to have a bug of this kind hidden.

BTW here's the patch:
diff -ruN xinetd-2.2.1.orig/xinetd/internals.c
--- xinetd-2.2.1.orig/xinetd/internals.c        Sun Nov  8 13:28:00 1998
+++ xinetd-2.2.1/xinetd/internals.c     Sun Nov  8 13:27:33 1998
@@ -55,7 +55,14 @@
        register int fd ;
        register unsigned u ;
        char *func = "dump_internal_state" ;
+       struct stat sb;

+       if (!(stat(dump_file,
+       {
+               msg( LOG_ERR, func, "failed to open %s: maybe a vulnerable
link", dump_file ) ;
+               return ;
+       }
        dump_fd = open( dump_file, O_WRONLY + O_CREAT + O_APPEND,
        if ( dump_fd == -1 )
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