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Re: WWWBoard Vulnerability

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Spartak Radchenko)
Tue Nov 10 18:49:09 1998

Date: 	Tue, 10 Nov 1998 14:11:39 +0300
Reply-To: Spartak Radchenko <spartak@AIF.RU>
From: Spartak Radchenko <spartak@AIF.RU>
X-To:         Samuel Sparling <sparling@SLIP.NET>
In-Reply-To:  <199811091701.MAA29170@netspace.org>

I advise you not to use any of Matt Wright programs. According to my
experience they are full of various bugs (at least, the program that I
tried to use).

I tried to use his Web counter (TextCounter C++ Version 1.3) and it was
full of absolutely lame errors. His attemts to invent a new way of
file locking was simply ridiculous. After several attempts to correct
these errors I came to conclusion that its design is invalid beyond repair
and simply rewrote it from the scratch.

An example from

 // Generate the lock filename.
    lock_file = new char[count_page_len + 4];

No comments...

My email to Matt Wright about these bugs was ignored.

Spartak Radchenko SVR1-RIPE
Arguments & Facts Weekly

On Mon, 9 Nov 1998, Samuel Sparling wrote:

> Recently, many vulnerabilities have been found in the popular "WWWBoard
> v2.0 ALPHA" script written by Matt Wright, this is yet another. When the

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