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Re: FoolProof for PC Exploit

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (axon)
Tue Nov 10 12:01:39 1998

Date: 	Mon, 9 Nov 1998 14:56:21 -0600
Reply-To: axon <axon2017@STUDENTS.JOHNCO.CC.KS.US>
From: axon <axon2017@STUDENTS.JOHNCO.CC.KS.US>

<See Original Message Below>

This works for the macintosh as well.  Holding <SHIFT> down while booting
bypasses extensions.  FoolProof for mac does not load, and ZAP!  Away
with foolproof (or just to temporarily get it out of your way... just
because you can.)  I'm not really a Macintosh guy, but when that's all
you're given on campus through most of your highschool years, you'll
learn to tinker.  Also, if you use the resource editor to open up
foolproof Macintosh, you can find a  (poorly) encoded password.  It's
been 2 or 3 years, but I think it was derived from base 64 or something
silly like that, but memory may serve me incorrectly.  Play around.  You
may be able to find some registry goodies with FoolProof for Win95 (or if
it doesn't do registry handling...you mentioned it's a TSR), maybe break
out your hex editor on some configuration files.

    /|\    / /~\   |\   |
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 /   | /  \ \   /  |   \| -Editor-in-chief, Hackers Information Report E-Zine
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"A Hacker of the Light..."

On Wed, 4 Nov 1998, Krish Jagannathan wrote:

> I figured this much out -- if you are running on FoolProof for the PC
> (Win9x) and you boot up in safe mode (with or without network support) it
> will bypass the FoolProof TSR and enable full privileges, even deleting
> the FoolProof directory.
> ---
> Krish Jagannathan
> krisjag@juno.com
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