[8460] in bugtraq
Major Explorer 4 java security hole!
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Aleph One)
Mon Nov 9 14:42:50 1998
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 10:57:55 -0600
Reply-To: Aleph One <aleph1@DFW.NET>
From: Aleph One <aleph1@DFW.NET>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 08 Nov 1998 05:04:27 +0100
From: Fabio Ciucci <fabioc@anfiteatro.it>
To: Russ.Cooper@rc.on.ca
Subject: [NTSEC] Major Explorer 4 java security hole!
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I discovered a Major Explorer 4 security hole!
From: "DirectDraw bug causes crashes", CNET News.com:
"This is a denial-of-service problem in that it prevents you from using the
system," said Microsoft product manager for platform marketing Joe Herman.
"[Ciucci's] applet is hanging the system, and it's a bug that we need to
correct.", Herman did not know when Microsoft would issue a patch.
Here is the info page with a sample:
Please, publish this and write articles about it.
Fabio Ciucci
* Fabio Ciucci, artist & Java programmer
* http://www.anfyjava.com