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Which crypto algorithm? was: Communicator 4.5 stores EVERY

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Luis Saiz)
Fri Nov 6 15:49:12 1998

Date: 	Fri, 6 Nov 1998 12:46:07 +0100
Reply-To: Luis Saiz <lsaiz@ATOS-ODS.COM>
From: Luis Saiz <lsaiz@ATOS-ODS.COM>

Hi all,

Does anybody know the algorithm used to encrypt the passwords in

It seems it is stored in 12 bytes base64 independently of clear password
length (almost for less than 9 characters)


Luis Saiz

Crypto can't create trust.  It merely automates the trust that
already exists for other reasons.

--John Gilmore

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