[8441] in bugtraq
Re: Possible mail spool problem
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Conrad Juleff)
Fri Nov 6 14:29:41 1998
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 1998 07:26:10 +0200
Reply-To: Conrad Juleff <cjuleff@IAC.IAFRICA.COM>
From: Conrad Juleff <cjuleff@IAC.IAFRICA.COM>
X-To: signal <soren@PANGEA.CA>
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.3.96.981104200341.32039A-100000@PARADIGM.PANGEA.CA>;
from signal on Wed, Nov 04, 1998 at 08:06:32PM -0600
suse 5.2 has the permissions 1777 or drwxrwxrwt. This isnt a problem
and most systems are setup this way.
On Wed, Nov 04, 1998 at 08:06:32PM -0600, signal wrote:
> Following installation of suse 5.1, the setup software sets the mail spool
> directory world writable, which has a potential of causing some security
> problems. although I have checked alot of possible forms of exploiting
> this, there is probably some I have missed. removing the o+w bit from the
> directory will surely solve the problems.
> signal
> <soren@PANGEA.CA>