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Re: WatchGuard Firewall internal D.O.S

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (B. James Phillippe)
Wed Nov 4 23:52:08 1998

Date: 	Tue, 3 Nov 1998 18:23:10 -0800
Reply-To: "B. James Phillippe" <bryan@TERRAN.ORG>
From: "B. James Phillippe" <bryan@TERRAN.ORG>
X-To:         Karl Stevens <karl@MAXIM.CA>
In-Reply-To:  <363E04D2.E386E752@maxim.ca>

On Mon, 2 Nov 1998, Karl Stevens wrote:

[Regarding WatchGuard firebox]

> ps. I agree that talking directly to Seattle Labs doesn't help much at
> first, try going through your dealer - SL is much more responsive to

Oops!  Be careful with your attributions; the company that makes the
WatchGuard Firebox is called "WatchGuard Technologies" (easy mnemonic ;).
They were formerly Seattle Software Labs; not "Seattle Labs".  The reason
it matters is because there *is* a Seattle Labs and they have nothing to do
with WatchGuard Technologies.

B. James Phillippe      . bryan@terran.org
UNIX Software Engineer  . http://www.terran.org/~bryan
Member since 1.1.59     . finger:bryan@earth.terran.org
MOTM: Waiting for the DSL to go in :/

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