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head -c 32 /dev/socksys caused panic?

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (A Fortunate K-9)
Tue Nov 3 20:40:33 1998

Date: 	Mon, 2 Nov 1998 23:19:30 -0500
Reply-To: a42n8k9@REDROSE.NET
From: A Fortunate K-9 <a42n8k9@REDROSE.NET>


I was experimenting with different sources of random data when I ran the
following command "head -c 32 /dev/socksys" only to find my system go into
a complete panic, crash, and reboot.  I should note that I was logged in as
an ordinary user, and the system is Slackware 2.0.34.

Has anyone else heard of something like this?


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