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Re: Bug in Solaris 2.6 ???

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (donald.pandori@PS.GE.COM)
Tue Nov 3 17:22:40 1998

Date: 	Fri, 30 Oct 1998 16:32:08 -0500
Reply-To: donald.pandori@PS.GE.COM
From: donald.pandori@PS.GE.COM

I just checked out Sunsolve and found nothing on it...

Just out of curiousity...are you currently patched?

The latest dtmail patch is 105338-13.  I just tried it 7 times and nothing

Donald M. Pandori
Unix Systems Engineer
Logic Technology Inc. @ GE Power Systems
Phone: 518.385.3141  Dial-Comm: 8.235.3141
Fax:   518.385.3689  Dial-Comm: 8.235.3689
email: donald.pandori@ps.ge.com <mailto:donald.pandori@ps.ge.com>

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Daniel Ezekiel [SMTP:danny@SASI.COM]
        Sent:   Thursday, October 29, 1998 11:31 AM
        To:     BUGTRAQ@netspace.org
        Subject:        Bug in Solaris 2.6 ???

        Hi all,
         Its possible to crash solaris 2.6 using dtmail
        I found that on starting dtmail and using the delete folder and quit
        the mc reboots. herez what the messages sez
        > ct 29 16:01:44 suna168 unix: dump on /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 size
        > Oct 29 16:01:44 suna168 unix: panic[cpu0]/thread=0x6093cc60:
Kernel panic at trap level 2, trap reason 0x2

        Though this didn't occur everytime, I was able to repeat this 4 on
12 times.
        If any of you have any clues regarding this pls Post ASAP

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