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Re: Printer Sharing and M1CR0S0FT Windows98

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ryan Russell)
Tue Nov 3 16:23:43 1998

Date: 	Fri, 30 Oct 1998 12:22:10 -0800
Reply-To: Ryan Russell <ryanr@SYBASE.COM>
From: Ryan Russell <ryanr@SYBASE.COM>
X-To:         "Caskey L. Dickson" <caskey@TECHNOCAGE.COM>

>This share does not share everything per se.  Rather it appears to be
>somehow selective.  For example, the password lists (username.pwl) are not
>shared, neither are many of the directories under there.  The
>sub-directories that were shared on my system were:

That doesn't match my experience.  On my Win95A, Win95B, and Win98
machines, the entire \windows\system directory is shared out
(read-only) hidden files, subdirectories and all.  You don't see .pwl
files because they live in c:\windows, not c:\windows\system.

>Simply placing a file in that directory named x.dll isn't sufficient to
>enable it's appearance in the list.  The entry must be elsewhere, perhaps
>the registry.

Every one of my files is there.

>Easy way to make a difficult-to-detect trojan, add more files to the share
>list under PRINTER$ then quitely take the files when nobody is looking.

This would be a great place to drop your collected information, if
printer sharing was already on.

BTW, on a this thread, I had a couple of notes back and forth with Paul

and he says MS does not consider this a problem, and they won't be changing

They were CC'd to the list.. I don't know why Aleph1 didn't forward them.
      I certainly

thought them pertinant.


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