[8341] in bugtraq
WatchGuard Firewall internal D.O.S
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Who Wants To Live Forever ...)
Fri Oct 30 14:51:33 1998
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 17:11:52 -0300
Reply-To: "Who Wants To Live Forever ..." <mruiz@ING.UMAYOR.CL>
From: "Who Wants To Live Forever ..." <mruiz@ING.UMAYOR.CL>
When we was testing a FireBox II (WatchGuard.. the red one box)
from internet it filtered any attack, but when we probe it from internal
network (masquerade), it doesn't filter udp attack, actually with "pepsi"
flood spoofed as localhost at dns port, it goes down, and stay disarmed.
We dont know if machines at the "optional" interface stay completly
vulnerable .. but it could be, we inform at WatchGuard.com .. but they
doesnt answer.
Matias Ruiz
Patricio Laf.