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rootshell hacked via ssh-1.2.26

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Felix von Leitner)
Wed Oct 28 19:06:18 1998

Mail-Followup-To: bugtraq@netspace.org
Date: 	Thu, 29 Oct 1998 00:14:58 +0100
Reply-To: Felix von Leitner <leitner@MATH.FU-BERLIN.DE>
From: Felix von Leitner <leitner@MATH.FU-BERLIN.DE>

On the rootshell home page, there is this notice:

   Rootshell Defaced
   10/28/98 8:44AM PDT On Wed Oct 28th at 5:12AM PST the main Rootshell
   page was defaced by a group of crackers. Entry to the machine was made
   via SSH (secure shell) which is an encrypted interface to the machine
   at 04:57AM PST this morning. Rootshell was first informed of this
   incident at 6:00 AM PST and the site was immediately brought offline.
   The site was back up and operational by 8:00AM PST.

They also mention that they used ssh-1.2.26 (the current version) and
their port 22 is not blocked (presumably firewalled away).

Does anyone have any further info?  This should probably leave a _lot_ of
us quite restless tonight...


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