[8328] in bugtraq
Re: Printer Sharing and M1CR0S0FT Windows98
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Neale Banks)
Wed Oct 28 15:51:32 1998
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 16:52:12 +1100
Reply-To: Neale Banks <neale@LOWENDALE.COM.AU>
From: Neale Banks <neale@LOWENDALE.COM.AU>
In-Reply-To: <19981024135231.D19037@krypt.com>
> It seems that when you share a printer in windows 98, it'll create a
> share called "PRINTER$" - which is actually your C:\Windows\System directory.
> It is not password protected and you can view everything in your C:\Windows\System directory... even if your printer is shared with a password.
IIRC, this has been around for a long time (not that it excuses its
persistence) - the excuse, FWIW, being that the share is used to export
the printer's drivers.
If MS really _must_ do this, then it would it not be smarter to put the
printer drivers in a separate directory and export that?