[8322] in bugtraq
Re: Netscape "What's Related"
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ramanathan Guha)
Wed Oct 28 14:03:46 1998
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 13:49:00 -0800
Reply-To: Ramanathan Guha <guha@NETSCAPE.COM>
From: Ramanathan Guha <guha@NETSCAPE.COM>
This is just to clarify :
In the default configuration,
(1) The RL server will *not* be contacted until the user
asks for "whats related" by hitting the button.
(2) If you hit the button on a page A, it will proactively
make the request for the next 3 pages. After that, it
will stop.
So, you have to keep using that feature a *lot* for it
to keep sending all your urls to the server.