[8312] in bugtraq
Another nice tmp race
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Stefan Laudat)
Tue Oct 27 14:48:20 1998
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 10:11:52 +0300
Reply-To: Stefan Laudat <stefan@ns.art.ro>
From: Stefan Laudat <stefan@NS.ART.RO>
Playing with my new shiny Slackware 3.5 box I have noticed
something unusual. The in.pop3d daemon creates sometimes locks for some
mailboxes in /usr/tmp/.pop. The directory is drwxrwxrwt so there will be
no problem in creating nice links to /zImage, /vmlinuz, /etc/shadow or
whatever comes in your head. Be creative.
Thank God there are still temporary directories.
Please notify the authors, I still don't know their email and I
apologize for that.
Stefan Laudat
System Engineer - Dragon Art
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