[8310] in bugtraq
Re: USR Netserver 8/16 vulnarable to nestea attack
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Patrick Oonk)
Tue Oct 27 14:48:14 1998
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 11:50:34 +0100
Reply-To: patrick@pine.nl
From: Patrick Oonk <patrick@PINE.NL>
X-To: Vesselin Mladenov <root@NETBG.COM>
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.3.96.981026182012.26114B-100000@mail.netbg.com>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bugtraq List [mailto:BUGTRAQ@NETSPACE.ORG]On Behalf Of Vesselin
> Mladenov
> Sent: Monday, October 26, 1998 7:51 PM
> Subject: USR Netserver 8/16 vulnarable to nestea attack
> Three days ago I found out that USR Netserver 8/16 V.34, running version
> 2.0.14 OS is vulnerable to nestea DoS attack (for more info lookup in
> http://www.rootshell.com).
This is what I got from 3COM.
I didn't hear about this problem but one thing is for sure.
The first MP series are based on the ComOs from Livingston. This contract
will be over end of this year so we build our own code which is fully
compatible. Trails were out for 1 year. This code pilgrim code is now
stable. the Netserver code we distribute is the 4.x (NetServer ISDN 8/16).
Please check the http://totalservice.usr.com for latest release notes.