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nestea v2 against freebsd 3.0-Release

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Aleph One)
Tue Oct 27 14:05:48 1998

Date: 	Tue, 27 Oct 1998 11:02:58 -0600
Reply-To: Aleph One <aleph1@DFW.NET>
From: Aleph One <aleph1@DFW.NET>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 09:41:23 +0200
From: Gilles Bruno <Gilles.Bruno@ujf-grenoble.fr>
To: freebsd-security@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: nestea v2 against freebsd 3.0-Release

Hi everyone,
we tested yesterday the old nestea v2 against a brand new
3.0-Release : it has prooved to be effective against it
(the box rebooted - invalid page fault while in kernel
mode). The same test against 2.2.[6,7]-Release didn't harm
at all.

Am I missing something ? some sysctl ? a special kernel config ?

Let us know...

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