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Re: JavaScript and Netscape 4.5

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Shaju Zachariah)
Tue Oct 27 13:10:15 1998

Date: 	Mon, 26 Oct 1998 16:25:13 -0700
Reply-To: Shaju Zachariah <zacharia@EE.UALBERTA.CA>
From: Shaju Zachariah <zacharia@EE.UALBERTA.CA>
In-Reply-To:  <19981025105852.F14604@narnia.tky.hut.fi>

Yeah, hearing that this is a problem under BSD and Linux, I thought I
would check my systems.  This Javascript not disabling problem is aparent
in SunOs 5.5.1 and HPUX 10.20 also.

> > I also have indications that under BSD/OS 4.0, Communicator 4.5 does
> > not disable Javascript, no matter what the setting. Can anyone
> > confirm that on other platforms? (Not surprisingly, I immediately
> > deleted 4.5...)
> While I was testing Netscape 4.5PR1 on both Linux and Windows 95, I
> found an odd behaviour.
> If you disable the JavaScript and restart the browser, the "Enable
> JavaScript" check-box is disabled. However, JavaScript still works.

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