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navigator lost (settings)

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Bill Becker)
Tue Oct 27 13:10:13 1998

Date: 	Tue, 27 Oct 1998 01:05:03 -0500
Reply-To: Bill Becker <bbecker@ICONN.NET>
From: Bill Becker <bbecker@ICONN.NET>

I "upgraded' navigator from vers 4.05 to vers 4.07 on a Linux 2.0.x
system.  The exact navigator i downloaded was:

I set the 'advanced' settings, turning off java, javascript,
stylesheets, autoinstall, and send-email-address-as-passwd.  I also set
'do not accept or send cookies'.

Then, while browsing i opened a new browser window by selecting "Navigator
Window" from the file menu and it looked as if javascript had started
working in the new window.

I re-examined the advanced settings on the original window, and they were
unchanged.  But when i looked at the settings in the new window i saw:

Java: On
Javascript: On
Style Sheets: On
Autoinstall: On
Send Email addr...: On
The cookies setting had not changed.

This behavior does not happen with the corresponding 4.05 version of

Oh well,

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