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slocate v1.4

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (klindsay)
Mon Oct 26 12:24:50 1998

Date: 	Sat, 24 Oct 1998 03:38:15 -0700
Reply-To: klindsay <klindsay@MKINTRAWEB.COM>
From: klindsay <klindsay@MKINTRAWEB.COM>

Secure Locate v1.4 has been released with a couple of fixes and a few more

Some of the major additions were Globbing support (ie *,?,[^]), a bug fix
which allowed files to be shown in unreadable directories, and made it
backward compatible with GNU locate 1.4.

FTP:    ftp://mkintraweb.com/pub/linux/slocate/
MIRROR: ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/pub/unix/security/slocate/

v1.3 was compiled on:

HP-UX (ver?)
SUN OS 5.6

v1.4 might not as the new features might not be as portable. Your results
if anyone tries it on these platforms or others would muchly be

Thank you to all with your suggestions, I am still working on a few of
them and will have them implemented in v1.5.

Cheers, (c:

  _   _ _   _
 | \ | | \ | | Kevin Lindsay                  | Powered By Linux!
 |  \| |  \| | NetNation Communications Inc.  | Web Hosting Services
 | |\  | |\  | http://www.netnation.com/      | Linux Development
 |_| \_|_| \_| klindsay@mkintraweb.com        | System Administration

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