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Re : 13 tiny bytes to show the huge sillyness of our great common

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (ga)
Sat Oct 24 00:57:12 1998

Date: 	Fri, 23 Oct 1998 22:51:49 +0100
Reply-To: duncan@mygale.org
From: ga <duncan@MYGALE.ORG>

Tero Pelander wrote :

>NT (4.0 SP3+hotfixes) isn't affected, 98 is affected

True. Two different persons also confirmed that for NT (SP3) and Win98
(but it didn't work on the win98 I had). I'd also want to say that I
made a mistake. The "login" returned by cachepig is not the login name
_but_ the computer's name. Anyway, "login" name can be easily retrieved.


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