[8281] in bugtraq

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Re: SVGATextMode 1.8 /tmp race

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Marcelo Roccasalva)
Sat Oct 24 00:24:18 1998

Date: 	Fri, 23 Oct 1998 15:30:11 -0300
Reply-To: Marcelo Roccasalva <marcelo@UCONGRES.EDU.AR>
From: Marcelo Roccasalva <marcelo@UCONGRES.EDU.AR>
In-Reply-To:  <Pine.LNX.4.02.9810221044310.17016-100000@goodguy.dyn.ml.org>;
              from Ben Collins on Thu, Oct 22, 1998 at 11:16:47AM -0400

On Thu, Oct 22, 1998 at 11:16:47AM -0400, Ben Collins wrote:
> First off, savetextmode is NOT part of SVGATextMode, it is a script from
> svgalib. I checked the savetextmode on my debian 2.0 system (svgalib
> 1.2.13):
> [root@goodguy(11:10am)-~]%cat /usr/bin/savetextmode
> #!/bin/sh
> set -o noclobber
> restoretextmode -w /dev/stdout > /tmp/textregs
> restorefont -w /dev/stdout > /tmp/fontdata
> The noclobber keeps it from overwriting any files. However, from the
> origianl svgalib source the script looks like this:
> [root@goodguy(11:13am)-~/svgalib-1.3.0/utils]%cat savetextmode
> #!/bin/sh
> restoretextmode -w /tmp/textregs
> restorefont -w /tmp/fontdata
> This WILL overwrite any files. So if you use the base svgalib, then
> you have a problem. NOTE: The Debian package for svgalib 1.3 directs the
> output to /etc/vga, so it is safe. I'm not sure if redhat has this changed
> or not.
Redhat 5.1, last upgrade from their ftp site:

[root@kosa /root] # rpm -q svgalib
[root@kosa /root] # cat /usr/bin/savetextmode
restoretextmode -w /tmp/textregs
restorefont -w /tmp/fontdata
[root@kosa /root] #

-- Marcelo <marcelo.r@ucongres.edu.ar>
                  Hiroshima 45 -- Chernobyl 86 -- Windows 95

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